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lctg2023 [2023.09.11 17:57] Steve Isenberglctg2023 [2025.01.23 15:13] (current) Steve Isenberg
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 +<hidden initialState="hidden" onVisible="Click to hide Jan-June 2023 past meetings" onHidden="Click to show Jan-June 2023 past meetings">
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 ^Date^Topic and links^Attaches^#^ ^Date^Topic and links^Attaches^#^
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 |June 21, 2023|2022 Nobel prizes in physiology or medicine, and chemistry|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230621|chat messages]]|<color #bdbdbd>14+7</color> |June 21, 2023|2022 Nobel prizes in physiology or medicine, and chemistry|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230621|chat messages]]|<color #bdbdbd>14+7</color>
 |June 28, 2023|Planning meeting|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230628|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>28</color> |June 28, 2023|Planning meeting|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230628|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>28</color>
-|July 5, 2023|//No meeting; day after Independence day//|+</hidden> 
 +<hidden initialState="hidden" onVisible="Click to hide July-December 2023 past meetings" onHidden="Click to show July-December 2023 past meetings"> 
 +|< 100% 14% - 10% 1%>| 
 +^Date^Topic and links^Attaches^#^
 |July 12, 2023|Looking at a black hole and how you can see it\\ Showing: [[|What is a black hole? (17m)]]\\ [[|Jet and Shadow Revealed (6m)]]\\ [[|M87 Galaxy Updates (12m)]]\\ [[|Mapping the Milky Way in Neutrino Light (6m)]]|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230712|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>15</color>| |July 12, 2023|Looking at a black hole and how you can see it\\ Showing: [[|What is a black hole? (17m)]]\\ [[|Jet and Shadow Revealed (6m)]]\\ [[|M87 Galaxy Updates (12m)]]\\ [[|Mapping the Milky Way in Neutrino Light (6m)]]|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230712|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>15</color>|
 |July 19, 2023|Latest Apple Computer Technologies (Josh Turiel) |[[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230719|chat messages]]|<color #bdbdbd>23</color>| |July 19, 2023|Latest Apple Computer Technologies (Josh Turiel) |[[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230719|chat messages]]|<color #bdbdbd>23</color>|
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 |Aug 2, 2023|We watched and discussed [[|"ChatGPT and the Talking Dog"]] (59m) |[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230802|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>31+8</color>| |Aug 2, 2023|We watched and discussed [[|"ChatGPT and the Talking Dog"]] (59m) |[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230802|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>31+8</color>|
 |Aug 9, 2023|Drew King on various utilities\\ * Windows Power Toys and Github\\ * Continuous file synchronization across systems [[]]\\ * Map drives to cloud storage [[]]|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230809|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>35+6</color>| |Aug 9, 2023|Drew King on various utilities\\ * Windows Power Toys and Github\\ * Continuous file synchronization across systems [[]]\\ * Map drives to cloud storage [[]]|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230809|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>35+6</color>|
-|Aug 16, 2023|Ted K on Archeology/exploration (LIDAR) |[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230816|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>33</color>|+|Aug 16, 2023|Ted K on Archeology/exploration (LIDAR) | [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230816|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>33</color>|
 |Aug 23, 2023|* [[|ChatGPT Crash Course]] (34m)\\ * [[|The Success Paradox]] (12m)\\ * [[|The Science of Thinking]] (12m)\\ * [[|Why Boredom is Good For You]] (7m)|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230823|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>29+6</color>| |Aug 23, 2023|* [[|ChatGPT Crash Course]] (34m)\\ * [[|The Success Paradox]] (12m)\\ * [[|The Science of Thinking]] (12m)\\ * [[|Why Boredom is Good For You]] (7m)|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230823|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>29+6</color>|
 +|Aug 30, 2023|About excerpts from book: 2001 A Space Odyssey and its -- and other -- Science Fiction predictions (Barry Kort)| [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230830|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>25+6</color>|
 +|Sept 6, 2023|Planning meeting|[[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230906|chat messages]]|<color #bdbdbd>19</color>|
 +|Sept 13, 2023|Battery technology, battery development, and grid power storage (Ted K)\\ //videos scheduled to be shown//\\ [[|How Batteries Work]] (19m) [[|Massive Storage]] (7.5m) [[|Renewable Energy Storage]] (19m) \\ //not shown: [[|The Battery Inside Out]] (48m)//| [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230913|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>25+8</color>|
 +|Sept 20, 2023|* Modulus Arithmetic (or, screwing up your perception of addition) (CharlieH) {{lctg:20230920_moduloarith.pdf|slides}}| [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20230920|chat messages]] |<color #bdbdbd>23+5</color>|
 +|Sept 27, 2023|RSV and Covid Update (Jerry Slate) {{lctg:20230927_rsv.pdf|slides}}|[[|watch the presentation]] |<color #bdbdbd>27+6</color>|
 +|Oct 4, 2023|Federal Government Efforts to meet American Housing Needs. //Presented by David Stanley, retired CEO of Payless Cashways, Columbia Law School graduate and practitioner of law and finance in Minneapolis.  He lives on a ranch in Montana and served on the Congressional Millennial Housing Commission in the year 2000. //{{lctg:20231004stanley.pdf|slides}}\\ [[|Oct 6, 2023 article on scaling up the HDIP, the Housing Development Incentive Program]]  |[[|watch the presentation]] |<color #bdbdbd>19+8</color>|
 +|Oct 11, 2023|Update of what's happening in eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, and technology. (George Gamota) {{lctg:20231011_ukraine_update.pdf|slides}}| [[|watch the presentation]] |<color #bdbdbd>26+5</color>|
 +|Oct 18, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 1: Introducing ChatGPT {{lctg:20231018_chatgpt_part1_introducing_chatgpt.pdf|slides}}  [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]] | [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231018|chat messages]] | <color #bdbdbd>47+13</color> |
 +|Oct 25, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 2: Just how smart is ChatGPT? {{lctg:20231025_chatgpt_part2_how_smart_is_it.pdf|slides}}  [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]] | [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231025|chat messages]] | <color #bdbdbd>43+10</color> |
 +|Oct 18, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 1: Introducing ChatGPT\\ {{lctg:20231018_chatgpt_part1_introducing_chatgpt.pdf|slides}}  [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]] [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231018|chat messages]] |
 +|Oct 25, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 2: Just how smart is ChatGPT?\\ {{lctg:20231025_chatgpt_part2_how_smart_is_it.pdf|slides}} [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]]  [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231025|chat messages]]|
 +|Nov 1, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 3: How LLMs (Large Language Models) work  {{lctg:20231101_chatgpt_part3_how_llms_work.pdf|slides}} [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]]  [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231101|chat messages]]|
 +|Nov 8, 2023|Chip manufacturing update - The Intersection of Trends, Markets, and Capabilities in Electronics Manufacturing Ecosystem (Dan Gamota)\\ [[20231108_abstract|abstract]] . [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231108|chat messages]] | 
 +|Nov 15, 2023|Potpourri\\ * New Windows release (Drew; tentative)\\ * Using iPad as (another) monitor on your computer (Drew, SteveI)\\ * and maybe something else TBD|
 +|Nov 22, 2023|//No meeting, day before Thanksgiving// or how to roast a turkey and study quantum mechanics at the same time|
 +|Nov 29, 2023|Educational applications of AI (Can AI detect the use of AI by students?) (Ways to detect use of AI: no contractions, etc) {{lctg:20231129_ai_in_education.pdf|slides}}| 
 +|Dec 6, 2023 |Hockney-Falco Thesis on the history of art (Harry) [[|slides]] . [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231206|chat messages]] [[|watch the presentation]]|
 +|Dec 13, 2023|<color /#ffffe0>*GASP* Meeting (Gigantic Allhands Scheduling and Planning)</color>\\ [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231213|chat messages]]|
 +|Dec 20, 2023|Potpourri\\ [[|The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (Feynman)]] (50m)\\ [[|Newton and Pi on “Veritasium”]] (18m)| |
 +|Dec 27, 2023|//No meeting because of the holidays//|
lctg2023.1694480258.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023.09.11 17:57 by Steve Isenberg