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lctgmeetingsummary20240911 [2024.10.16 12:30] – created Steve Isenberglctgmeetingsummary20240911 [2024.10.16 12:34] (current) Steve Isenberg
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 //Please forward any corrections to Steve.// //Please forward any corrections to Steve.//
 =====Meeting Summary for Lex Computer Group September 11, 2024===== =====Meeting Summary for Lex Computer Group September 11, 2024=====
 +==== Quick recap ====
 +Vladan discussed the high level of control achieved in manipulating individual qubits and introduced the surface code method for identifying and correcting errors in quantum systems. He also explored the potential applications of quantum computing in various fields, including physics and chemistry, and the need for larger hardware to test algorithms. Lastly, he explained the concept of a qubit, entanglement in quantum systems, and the potential for a quantum internet, emphasizing the unique abilities of quantum computing compared to classical computing.
 +==== Next steps ====
 +  * Attendees to consider potential topics or speakers for future presentations and email suggestions to
 +  * Attendees to prepare ideas for fall quarter planning to discuss at the planning meeting in two weeks
 +  * Steve to host next week's presentation by George Gamota on Claude Shannon and information theory
 +  * LCTG group to hold fall quarter planning meeting in two weeks
 +  * Dan to coordinate future guest speakers for the group's meetings
 +==== Summary: Quantum Computing Control and Error Correction ====
 +Vladan discussed the high level of control achieved in manipulating individual qubits, with error rates as low as 0.02%. He introduced the surface code method for identifying and correcting errors in quantum systems without disrupting the entangled state of the qubits. Vladan explained that by comparing the states of groups of atoms, errors can be detected and corrected, allowing the system to become more accurate as it scales up, provided the error rate remains below 1%. Their current error rate is 0.5%, below the threshold. Vladan demonstrated how entangled pairs of atoms can be transported and re-entangled, enabling the creation of different geometries like a torus for error correction. He predicted achieving 100 logical qubits with error rates of 10^-5 to 10^-6 within 2-3 years, paving the way for quantum computing applications in scientific simulations and potentially factoring large numbers.
 +==== Exploring Quantum Computing Applications and Hardware ====
 +Vladan discussed the potential applications of quantum computing in various fields, including physics and chemistry, and the need for larger hardware to test algorithms. Tedpk raised the possibility of quantum computing's application in fusion reactors, which Vladan acknowledged as an open question. LCTG and Vladan discussed the potential of using nuclear spins for quantum computing, with Vladan confirming that nuclear spins can maintain a quantum state for up to 30 minutes. LCTG expressed appreciation for the explanation, and Steve acknowledged his lack of understanding in the field and asked for further clarification.
 +==== Exploring Quantum Computing Concepts and Entanglement ====
 +Steve and Vladan discussed the concept of a qubit and its ability to exist in multiple states simultaneously, unlike a classical bit. Vladan also explained the concept of entanglement in quantum systems, suggesting that quantum correlations can be stronger than classical correlations. The importance of entanglement in quantum computing was further discussed, with Vladan explaining that it allows a quantum computer to perform many computations simultaneously, which is impossible classically. The concept of quantum computing was compared to analog and digital computers, with Vladan emphasizing the unique ability to make entanglements or quantum correlations in quantum systems. The potential for a quantum internet was also discussed, with Vladan suggesting that it could be more secure due to the rules of quantum mechanics preventing the cloning of quantum states.
 +==== Quantum Computing Basics and Future Plans ====
 +Vladan explained that 'code' in quantum computing refers to a sequence of quantum gates, similar to classical codes but with different gates that specify quantum logical operations. He discussed superposition states, where the system appears to be in a superposition, but the outcome is always 0 or 1 when measured. Vladan mentioned the challenges of error correction and the potential of neutral atoms for quantum computing. Steve announced that George Gamota would discuss Claude Shannon in the next meeting, and the team planned for the fall quarter, encouraging topic suggestions.
lctgmeetingsummary20240911.1729107055.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.10.16 12:30 by Steve Isenberg