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lctgmeetingsummary20241030 [2024.10.30 09:03] – created Steve Isenberglctgmeetingsummary20241030 [2024.10.30 09:11] (current) Steve Isenberg
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 +====Meeting Summary for Lex Computer Group Oct 30, 2024 on QR Codes and Drone Light Shows====
-Quick recap +A video covering the evolution of communication and information storage, focusing on the development of Morse code, barcodes, and QR codes. It also introduced the concept of error correction in data transmission using QR codes and the process of creating an Intel drone light show. The Intel team shared their experiences and insights on the development and execution of a Walmart holiday drone show, emphasizing the importance of creativity, technical skills, and teamwork.
-Peter discussed the evolution of communication and information storage, focusing on the development of Morse code, barcodes, and QR codes. He also introduced the concept of error correction in data transmission using QR codes and the process of creating an Intel drone light show. The team also shared their experiences and insights on the development and execution of a Walmart holiday drone show, emphasizing the importance of creativity, technical skills, and teamwork.+
- +====Summary====
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 Evolution of Communication and Barcodes Evolution of Communication and Barcodes
-Peter discussed the evolution of communication and information storage. He began with Samuel Finley Breeze Morse, who developed the electric telegraph and Morse code, revolutionizing long-distance communication. Morse code was widely used in various industries, including the military, maritime, and aviation. Peter then shifted to Bernard Silver and Norman Joseph Woodland, who created the first barcode in the late 1940s. The barcode was initially used to speed up the checkout process in supermarkets and has since evolved into the universal product code (UPC) barcode. Peter explained the structure and functionality of the barcode, including the check digit verification system. He concluded by mentioning the limitations of the barcode system, such as the inability to store extensive information about a product.+The evolution of communication and information storage. It began with Samuel Finley Breeze Morse, who developed the electric telegraph and Morse code, revolutionizing long-distance communication. Morse code was widely used in various industries, including the military, maritime, and aviation. Peter then shifted to Bernard Silver and Norman Joseph Woodland, who created the first barcode in the late 1940s. The barcode was initially used to speed up the checkout process in supermarkets and has since evolved into the universal product code (UPC) barcode. Peter explained the structure and functionality of the barcode, including the check digit verification system. He concluded by mentioning the limitations of the barcode system, such as the inability to store extensive information about a product.
lctgmeetingsummary20241030.1730304236.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.10.30 09:03 by Steve Isenberg