~~NOCACHE~~ //This page last changed ~~LASTMOD~~ Visits: [{{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time| total times}}]// =====Convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade and Back In Your Head===== As a shortcut, F=degrees Fahrenheit and C=degrees Centigrade (or Celsius).\\ The basic conversion is exact:\\ Degrees F = (Degrees C * 9/5) + 32 and\\ Degrees C = (Degrees F - 32) * 5/9 |**F to C**\\ 1. Subtract 32 from F\\ 2. Halve the result\\ 3. Add back 10% of the result\\ 4. Done, you have C.\\ \\ Example:\\ Start: F = 57\\ Minus 32: F-32 = 25\\ Halve it: 25/2 = 12.5\\ Add back 1/10: 12.5 + 1.3 = 13.8 or 14C| **C to F**\\ 1. Double C\\ 2. Subtract 1/10 of the result\\ 3. Add 32\\ 4. Done, you have F.\\ \\ Example\\ Start: C=32\\ Double it: C*2 = 64\\ Subtract 1/10: 64-6 = 58\\ Add 32: 58+32 = 90F|