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This page last changed 2023.07.26 05:58 visits: 16 times today, 19 times yesterday, and 4609 total times

Dokuwiki Annoyances

The dropdowns in upper-right don't work

When you select the person-dropdown and others in upper right to right of Search, nothing happens. You expect to see your name, update profile, and admin, but the dropdown doesn't drop down.

This is because a flag defer_js is set.

To undo this:

On the config page, the setting is in Feature Flags, after Advanced and before Network

Inserting Picture Files

If you upload a jpg and can't get it to be inserted, this is why. You need to rename its extent to jpeg, upload, and reference it with .jpeg extent.

So you need to rename something.jpg to be something.jpeg, upload and reference it as something.jpeg: {{something.jpeg?linkonly}} (the 'linkonly' is optional, it links to the picture, click-to-see-it, rather than insert-the-picture-here)


Including | in Table Entry

Using | in a table
Normally, when you use a | inside a table, it's treated as start-next-column. If you want it to be treated as a regular character (for example: ls | more in Linux, where the | is part of the command sequence, then surround the | in two pair of % or use nowiki.

paging file listingls -lt | morels -lt | more

Coloring a cell



Coloring text

<color /#ccccff>text1 background</color> <color green>text2</color> <color #00FFFF>text3</color> <color red/green>text4</color>
text1 background text2 text3 text4

dokuwiki_annoyances.1690376313.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023.07.26 08:58 by Steve Isenberg