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This page last changed 2024.09.25 15:28 [views: 5 times today, 3 times yesterday, and 9 total times]

Here's some words you might use to tell Lexington list members and others about the LCTG.


The LCTG meets Wednesdays from 10am - 11:30am.  We meet online in Zoom (
and most weeks in the Lexington Community Center.  Most meetings are recorded and are posted (after a little editing) on YouTube.
See the group's page at for meetings we've held and links to the recordings.

To receive notices of upcoming meetings and join discussions, send an email
to and include in the body of your email:

- Your full name
- Town of Residence
- Brief self-introduction and your interest in the group
- Optionally, topic(s) of interest you might present or share at a group
lctg_email_advertisement.1727303310.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.09.25 18:28 by Steve Isenberg