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This page last changed 2024.09.25 15:38 [views: 2 times today, 3 times yesterday, and 6 total times]

Here's some words you might use to tell Lexington list members and others about the LCTG.


The LCTG meets Wednesdays from 10am - 11:30am. We meet online in Zoom ( and most weeks in the Lexington Community Center. Most meetings are recorded and are posted (after a little editing) on YouTube. See the group's page at for meetings we've held and links to the recordings.Most meetings are recorded and are posted (after a little editing) on YouTube.

To receive notices of upcoming meetings and join discussions, send an email to and include in the body of your email:

- Your full name - Town of Residence - Brief self-introduction and your interest in the group - Optionally, topic(s) of interest you might present or share at a group meeting

lctg_email_advertisement.1727303893.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.09.25 18:38 by Steve Isenberg