~~NOCACHE~~ ====This is Steve's outline for a Blockchain talk to Lexington Computer Group==== This is a work in progress. [[blockchain_notes]] How are Bitcoin and blockchain related? Bitcoin //uses// blockchain. Blockchain is used for Bitcoin, and much, much more. \\ This talk gives a simplistic overview of blockchain. Concepts * Data store (holds transactions) * Replication (many people hold the chain) * Cryptography and digital signatures * Immutable (hard to change history and changes are detectable) - Use of Blockchain for ledgers - Hashing basics - Public Key Infrastructure basics - Block contents - Add new block - Need for Mining ====Overview - How does blockchain work?==== (This section has material copied directly from [[https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/what-is-blockchain]]) * As each transaction occurs – and the parties agree to its details – it’s encoded into a block of digital data and uniquely signed or identified. * Each block is connected to the one before and after it β€” creating an irreversible, immutable chain. * Blocks are chained together, preventing any block from being altered or a block being inserted between two existing blocks. Difference between blockchain and Bitcoin * Bitcoin: unregulated, digital currency. * Blockchain: is used by Bitcoin (and blockchain used for many other things) This page has been visited {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, {{counter|today| time| times}} today, and {{counter|total| time| times}} in total since April 25, 2019.