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[[cell_service_questions|Questions to help you decide what cell service you need]]\\
[[https://robots.net/tech/how-do-i-cancel-my-verizon-wireless-service/|Robots.tech tells how to cancel your Verizon Wireless]] and my advice: do it via chat and not a phone call.
[[https://clark.com/phone-plan-finder/|Clark.com has a cell phone plan finder]]
=====Cell Phone Service Comparison=====
Cell phone service providers and their per-month costs after any first-few-months promo. Promo in 'other'. These prices gathered 8/30 to 9/21/2024.\\
FYI, MVNO=Mobile Virtual Network Operator, which refers companies that purchase minutes and data from AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon.
DISCLAIMER: I'm only collecting information I've found on the Internet for the companies I've listed. I have no relationship with any of them other than from a consumer's point of view.
REQUEST: Please let me know at [[steve+cellphoneinfopage@toku.us|steve+cellphoneinfopage@toku.us]] of any information that's incorrect or missing. Thank you.
* Cheapest unlimited voice 1GB data: $8(RedPocket) $9(Tello)
* Cheapest unlimited voice 2GB data: $10(USMobile, Tello)
* Cheapest unlimited voice 5GB data: $14(Tello) $15(USMobile, RedPocket, Mint)
Ratings come from [[https://www.trustpilot.com|Trustpilot.com]]. For example, ''4.2* (62% 4&5* on 5,403)'' means their trustpilot rating is 4.2, and 62% of the 5,403 people rating gave 4 or 5 star reviews.
//I've sorted these by their TrustPilot rating as of 9/20/2024.//
^Provider^Rating^Network^cost for one line^other^2 lines^
|USMobile\\ https://usmobile.com/|4.6*\\ (93% 4&5* on 3,796)|Verizon(warp) T-Mobile(lightspeed) AT&T(darkstar)\\ you choose when sign up, you can switch ("teleport") twice for free, then it's $2 per teleport |$17.50/unlimited premium data;\\ sharable data $10/2Gb; $15/5Gb; $20/10Gb/ $35/20Gb. Add $8 per additional line sharing data; includes international calling and texting from US.\\ $8/2Gb premium data without free teleport, hotspot, Int'l calling, etc\\ Prices include taxes and fees.|prepay 12 months. 30 days free to try it out.\\ When international, calls/data costs extra (on carriers supporting it), Int'l eSIMs cost extra\\ **Data cut-off (stops working) when you use up all shared data.** |Unlimited data $35;\\ 2Gb shared $18;\\ 5Gb shared $23;\\ 10Gb shared $28\\ includes taxes&fees|
|Tello Mobile\\ https://tello.com/|4.5*\\ (90% 4&5* on 11,335)|T-Mobile |No-data plans: $5/100 mins ($6/1GB 100min), $8/unlimited mins\\ Data plans w/unlimited mins; $9/1GB; $10/2GB; $14/5GB; many more plans|no advance payment; free calls to Canada, Mexico, India, Switzerland, and many more. Upgrade/downgrade anytime n/c|
|Red Pocket\\ https://redpocket.com/|4.4*\\ (85% 4&5* on 3,600)|all 3 networks|$8/1GB, $15/5GB, $25/20GB, $30/Unlimited\\ per month paid annually\\ includes international calling (1GB & 5GB plans 20 countries, others 80+ countries)|if go over data, service slows; no overage fee or cut-off.|
|Consumer Cellular\\ https://consumercellular.com/|4.2*\\ (62% 4&5* on 5,403)|AT&T or\\ T-Mobile|$20/1Gb; $25/5Gb; $35/10Gb; $50/unlimited\\ Plus taxes & fees|AARP member discount. Add $15 per additional line sharing data. Auto upgrade e.g. 1Gb to 5Gb if you use more.|$35/1Gb shared\\ $40/5Gb shared ($50.97 with taxes&fees and AARP discount)\\ $50/10Gb shared.\\ plus taxes & fees.|
|Hello\\ https://hellomobile.com/|3.9*\\ (74% 4&5 on 3,382)|T-Mobile |$17.50/mo unlimited (6 mo paid in advance)\\ $5/500MB, $10/1GB, $15/4GB, $20/5GB|free unlimited int'l calling from US to Canada, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, UK; total 60+ countries; land lines, some countries to cell phones.|
|Mint Mobile\\ https://mintmobile.com/|3.3*\\ (74% 4&5* on 1,293)|T-Mobile| $15/5Gb\\ $20/15Gb\\ $25/20Gb\\ $30/unlimited\\ Plus taxes & fees ($2.82/line for 5GB, $3.02/line for 15GB)|$15/month for unlimited first 3 months; then rates are per month prepay 12 months; data and plan is per-line.\\ Mobile Hotspot n/c pulls from monthly data, limited to 10GB on unlimited plans\\ free calls to Canada & Mexico.\\ If go over data, service slows: no overage fee or cut-off; data add-on available if you need more.|Second line same price as first line, data can differ for each line. Family plan available (allows multi line management) Two 5GB lines $30+5.64=$35.64 with taxes&fees.
|Ting\\ https://ting.com/|2.7*\\ (74% 4&5* on 303)|T-Mobile|$25/5GB(all can be hotspot), $35/12GB(max 8GB hotspot)|After monthly data allotment, speed is reduced to 128kbps; get more fast data for $5/GB.\\ unused fast data you add carries to next month.|
|Freedompop\\ https://freedompop.com/|2.4*\\ (52% 4&5* on 1,721)|AT&T |$10/1GB(int' calling to 20 countries), $30/10GB(int'l calling to80+ countries)|implies that if go over data allotment, service slows|
|Metro by T-Mobile\\ https://www.metrobyt-mobile.com/|1.8\\ (13% 4&5* on 70) | T-Mobile|$40/10GB ($45 first month)|
|Cricket Wireless\\ https://www.cricketwireless.com/|1.7 (15% 4&5* on 376) |AT&T |$30/5GB, $40/10GB| |$70/10GB|
|Visible by Verizon\\ https://visible.com/|1.5*\\ (8% 4&5* on 1,117)|Verizon|$22.92/unlimited data (paid $275 annual, Visible); $32.92/unlimited premium data (paid $395 annual, Visible+)\\ prices include taxes & fees|if switch f/T-Mobile price $15/mo for 5 years.\\ Unlimited talk&text to Mexico and Canada.\\ Visible: save $5/mo on Verizon home internet, smartwatch $10/mo\\ Visible+ faster data, save $10/mo on Verizon home internet, hotspot twice as fast as Visible, available to use in Mexico and Canada, calls to 30+ countries and text to 200+, smartwatch service included|Visible: 45.83/mo (pay 550/yr)\\ Visible+ 65.83/mo (pay 790/yr)\\ taxes and fees included|
|Boost Mobile\\ https://boostmobile.com/|1.4\\ (7% 4&5* on 466) |Boost, AT&T, T-Mobile |$25/mo unlimited data ($5 autopay discount. Add $10 ea for: hotspot, high-speed data; and many more add-ons available for a cost.|DISH Wireless d/b/a Boost Mobile|
|Credo Mobile\\ https://credomobile.com/|1.4\\ (6% 4&5* on 144)|Verizon |$35/1GB per line|they donate to nonprofits every month|
|T-Mobile\\ https://t-mobile.com/|1.3*\\ (9% 4&5* on 5,690)|T-Mobile|$30/line for 2 lines age 55+|other more $ plans offer better streaming, more hotspot, services abroad.|
|AT&T\\ https://att.com/|1.3*\\ (6% 4&5* on 7,659)|AT&T|$30/5GB or $25/10GB prepay 12 months |Prices start at $25/line but you must have 4 lines.|
|Verizon Wireless\\ https://verizonwireless.com/|1.2*\\ (5% 4&5* on 5,358)|Verizon|$35/line/15GB, first month $45, autopay (prepay?), $5 or $10 discount after 3 or 9 months of service\\ Other plans start at $65/month for 1 line, $55/month/line for 2 lines|
|Google Fi\\ https://fi.google.com/|1.2\\ (2% 4&5* on 390) |T-Mobile |$20/10GB plus taxes&fees|see comments, below|$35/10GB shared plus taxes&fees.|
===Comments ===
[from Glenn, regarding Google Fi, 12/31/2024]\\
I was somewhat surprised by the abysmal TrustPilot rating for Google Fi, but all the 1-star ratings point to bad experience with their customer service, and few complaints about the actual cellular communication. I tend to agree that their customer service is poor (scripted and unhelpful), but I haven’t needed to use it for anything lately since it all seems to work just fine for us.
Here are some resources to consider.
* [[https://www.tomsguide.com/best-picks/best-cell-phone-plans|Toms Guide - plans]]
* [[https://www.tomsguide.com/best-picks/best-phone-carrier|Toms Guide = carriers]]
* [[https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics-computers/cell-phones-services/best-and-worst-phone-plan-providers-a7549256764/|Consumer Reports]]
* [[https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-wireless-carrier/|NY Times via Wirecutter]]
* [[https://www.usnews.com/360-reviews/services/cell-phone-plans|US News]]