~~NOCACHE~~ This page [[https://LCTG.toku.us]] last changed ~~LASTMOD~~ Visits: [{{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time| total times since 7/4/2024}}] =====Editing LCTG Schedule Page in this Wiki===== ====Steps==== Steps to follow to edit the LCTG speaker schedule page. - Go to the schedule page [[https://wiki.toku.us/doku.php?id=lctg_speaker_schedule]]\\ or use the ''Speaker schedule page'' link on the main LCTG page [[https://LCTG.toku.us]] - Log in as you - in upper right, click on ''login'' then enter your userID and password * You are logged-in when upper right shows ''Log Out'' - On the upper-right, click on the pencil icon {{png:wiki_pencil.png?30}} to edit the page. * If you see {{png:wiki_showpg.png?30}} and not the pencil icon, then you are not logged in or you are on a page you cannot edit. - Scroll down till you see ''%%<%%fs large>UPCOMING MEETINGS'' as the current schedule follows this, each date between | characters followed by the description (or none) - Search for the date, e.g., %%|Feb 45, 2039|%% - Add, change, or delete text following the date, e.g., %%|Feb 45, 2039| topic |%% - Add a "yes" if the speaker is confirmed and a person name for the contact or person with an action, e.g., %%|Feb 45, 2039| topic | yes | action owner |%% - Be sure that the last text on the line is followed by | notes * Use the ''Preview'' button at the bottom of the edit box often * When you're happy, click ''Save'' * You can edit again if you want, like to fine tune or correct an error * Changes to a page can be backed out as there is a history button {{png:wiki_revisions.png?30}} so don't panic if you saved an error you cannot easily correct * If you use %%//%% to start italics, you need another %%//%% to end italics or the rest of the page gets messed up! Easy fix though. (This has happened to me several times as I'm writing this page!!) ====Examples==== ===No one scheduled for the date== %%|Feb 31, 2039|%% |< 100% 10% - 5% 8%>| |Feb 31, 2039| | | ===Someone is scheduled, confirmed, and contact name=== %%|Feb 38, 2039|Faster than light travel, a how-to|yes|Oscar|%% |< 100% 10% - 5% 8%>| |Feb 38, 2039|Faster than light travel, a how-to|yes|Oscar| ===Break up description on multiple lines=== //Note the space after the %%\\%% as newline action only happens with a space after the %%\\%%// %%|Feb 45, 2039|Cold Fusion concepts\\ * How cold fusion //works//\\ * How you can do it at home\\ * Concerns| |Betty White|%% |< 100% 10% - 5% 8%>| |Feb 45, 2039|Cold Fusion concepts\\ How cold fusion //works//\\ * How you can do it at home\\ * Concerns| |Betty White|