~~NOCACHE~~ //This page last changed ~~LASTMOD~~ visits: {{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time total so far| total times}}// =====Gardening Advice===== ====Overwintering Peppers==== from [[https://lifehacker.com/how-to-overwinter-your-pepper-plants-1850800893]] 9/8/2023\\ Note that there is much more information on the lifehacker page than I've collected here. ===Why?=== If you overwinter your pepper plants, while it won't produce peppers, it will be ready for next year, no need for seedlings. ===When?=== Peppers are not frost tolerant. It's best to bring them inside once you have a few consistent days of 40-degree nights. ===Where?=== * The plant needs to live in a room that can remain 50-65 degrees Fahrenheit. * There should be light coming in from a window; if not, then use a plant light for 2-3 hours/day * The plants will be hibernating. During this time, they don't need fertilizer and need to be watered once every two weeks or so. ===Come Spring=== * Start inside: expose the plant to more hours of sunlight or plant lights each day, water so roots are moist but never damp. * As it begins to grow leaves, give it fish fertilizer per the instructions on the container.