~~NOCACHE~~ //[[:lexingtoncomputergroup|Return to main LCTG page]]//\\ //[[:doing_a_zoom_presentation|Presenting to the group with Zoom]]not ready for prime time: [using ppt impress etc to present|Tips for using MS Powerpoint and LibreOffice Impress in your presentation]\\ This schedule last modified ~~LASTMOD~~// ====%hide recents==== Recently produced meeting videos you can watch now: * [[https://youtu.be/GZzD47Acosg|Quantum Computing 9/11/2024]] * [[https://youtu.be/4syJvEZDIIo|Covid Update Fall 2024 9/4/2024]] * [[https://youtu.be/AGAS6U5hIg8|The Euclid Space Telescope 8/28/2024]] * [[https://youtu.be/Pdr9zLxsQRA|Developing the First Total Artificial Heart 7/17/2024]] * [[https://youtu.be/vQb1gN0O45U|Old Technology 7/31/2024]] * [[https://youtu.be/Pr9isXNqFTA|Fusion Update 7/24/2024]] ==== ==== ::UPCOMING MEETINGS:: |< 100% 10% - 5% 8%>| ^Date^Topic^confirmed^Followups^ |September 25, 2024|GASP Planning session (Gigantic Allhands Scheduling and Planning) [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240925|chat messages]]| Online only| |October 2, 2024|IgNoble 2024 (Peter)| |October 9, 2024|Inspiring the next generation: Women’s Technology Program in Mechanical Engineering at M.I.T. (Barbara Hughey)\\ [needs confirmation]| |DanK, PeterA| |October 16, 2024|Tech for Senior(s) Topic(s)| |Peter & Drew (finders), Steve(editor)| |October 23, 2024|Potpourri\\ TedK and his smart bowl of jelly\\ video: the genius of the quantum navigation breakthrough (20m; TedK)\\ Steve's research on Cell Services and/or Network Speed Requirements| |October 30, 2024|Talks at Google (Peter lead)| |November 6, 2024|OBS Studio (Drew)\\ Secret topic (Harry)| |November 13, 2024|History and Practice of Heart Surgery and Medication (Geltman)| |John| |November 20, 2024|NAS (Network Attached Storage) and Docker Apps. Plex server. (Drew, maybe Seth Silverman)| |November 27, 2024|//day before Thanksgiving//| |December 4, 2024|Potpourri| |December 11, 2024|GASP Planning session (Gigantic Allhands Scheduling and Planning)| |December 18, 2024|Tuberculosis in the 1800s and how it applies to today (JerryS)| |December 25, 2024|//Christmas day//| |January 1, 2025|//New Year's Day//| |January 8, 2025|Dick Wagner on Sociobiology| |January 15, 2025| Practical Fusion Power update and Challenges: breeding and handling Tritium (TedK)| |January 22, 2025|Potpourri| |January 29, 2025|//(tentative)// Astronomy update (Gamota)| |JohnR| |February 5, 2025|Sabine Hossenfelder day| |Barry| |February 12, 2025|Brian Greene day| |John| |February 19, 2025|Curated interesting video shorts| |Steve with help|1, 7, 16 |February 26, 2025| |March 5, 2025| |March 12, 2025| |March 19, 2025| |March 26, 2025| \\ \\ ::RECENT MEETINGS:: |< 100% 15% - >| ^Date^Topic^ |Jan 3, 2024 |We Will Have a Syncing Feeling: Using applications and files across platforms - a forum (Drew King, lead) [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240103|chat messages]]| |Jan 10, 2024|LIDAR mapping with Dale Fried of 3DEO, hosted by Dan Kleppner [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240110|chat messages]] . [[https://youtu.be/UnrI2kbd1HY|watch the presentation]]\\ For more information on the company and its technology, visit the 3DEO website at [[https://3deolidar.com/]] and their [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFGQNxmO9iwKnCY4E0tNZxg|YouTube Channel]]| |Jan 17, 2024|Unifying Nature’s Laws: The State of String Theory.| |Jan 24, 2024|Videos played:\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs2QcycggWU|How does Starlink Satellite Internet Work?]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2oF8oZopdA|Bill Gates talking with Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, about AI transforming education]]| |Jan 31, 2024|potpourri: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYg6jzotiAc|Feynman: Fun to Imagine]] (67min) followed by luncheon at Bamboo in Bedford| |Feb 7, 2024 |Space Update (George Gamota) [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240207|chat messages]]| |Feb 14, 2024|Nifty Smartphone apps. Like Seek; Shazam; Pedometer; etc. [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240214|chat messages]]| |Feb 21, 2024|Nifty Smartphone Apps Part 2 [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240221|chat messages]]| |Feb 28, 2024|More neat apps for phones and computers -- and more (Adam Broun)\\ * several interesting apps from the useful to the idiotic: ''Authy'' (2-factor authentication); ''Arc Search'' (Browser with summarization); ''Windy'' (weather in depth); ''Rise'' (Sourdough baking); ''Can of Soup'' (silly pictures)\\ * Self-hosting, moving services away from Google and Apple to resources you can control yourself: ''Proxmox'' (virtual machines); ''OPNSense'' (router); ''Home Assistant'' (Home automation); ''Photoprism'' (photo management); ''NextCloud'' (file sharing and collaboration)\\ List of self-hosted apps: [[https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted]], Self hosted forum: [[https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted]]\\ {{lctg:20240228_homelab.pdf|slides}} [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240228|chat messages]]| |Mar 6, 2024 |potpourri\\ * [[https://vimeo.com/383913383|"Watchroom"]], a short film by Noah Wagner on AI and Robotics. It'll make you think. (Dick Wagner)\\ * Android Apps (Drew) -- continuing our topic of Interesting Apps from previous weeks. [[https://youtu.be/3bEpXPT85Vo|watch the presentation]] [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240306|chat messages]]| |Mar 13, 2024|Sleep Deprivation (John Rudy) [[https://youtu.be/93zjY59Cn6M|watch the presentation]] {{lctg:20240313_sleeping_is_important.pdf|slides}} \\ What is Passkey and how does it work as compared to Passwords (Steve Isenberg) [[https://youtu.be/UGShrneqNF0|watch the presentation]] [ [[passkey|notes on passkey used during presentation]] ]\\ [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240313|chat messages]]| |Mar 20, 2024|2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine: mRNA (Harry Forsdick & Dick Wagner) {{https://youtu.be/RCQWu6dV7AE|watch the presentation}}\\ {{lctg:20240320_nobel_prize_in_medicine.pdf|slides}} [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240320|chat messages]]\\ The link to videos in the slides may not work; here are the links to videos included in the presentation:\\ [[https://youtu.be/WOvvyqJ-vwo|How mRNA Vaccines Work]]\\ [[https://youtu.be/CfZjK2eIDFM|mRNA Vaccines Questions and Misconceptions]]\\ [[https://youtu.be/no3MyGvEbxY|Announcement of the prize]]\\ [[https://youtu.be/h5D3mv8ewCY|TED talk, how mRNA medicine will change the world, Melissa J. Moore]]| |Mar 27, 2024|How the MIT museum has restructured itself to a Technology gateway to MIT\\ [[https://youtu.be/9gCslY_YGtQ|Moving and rediscovering the MIT Museum collection (4m)]] and [[https://youtu.be/PsjAcnJl_Q4|Tour of the MIT Museum (49m)]] [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240327|chat messages]]| |Apr 3, 2024|"The Science & Lore of Eclipses -- Shadows in Space" a Road Scholar lecture [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240403|chat messages]]| |Apr 10, 2024|2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine - mRNA - Part 2| |Apr 17, 2024|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY-u1qyRM5w|Richard Feynman Lecture: "Los Alamos From Below"]] (1h18m)| |Apr 24, 2024|GASP Planning session (Gigantic Allhands Scheduling and Planning) [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240424|chat messages]]| |May 1, 2024|Five Levels of Difficulty Day. Five levels of difficulty on:\\ Time: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAhbFRMURtg|Brian Greene explains Time in 5 levels of difficulty]]\\ Wormholes: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P6rdqiybaw|Wormholes Explained - Breaking Spacetime]]\\ CRISPR: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sweN8d4_MUgBiologist Explains CRISPR in 5 Levels of Difficulty]]\\ PickPocketing: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk__KOrsIMM|9 levels of pick-pocketing, easy to complex, from Wired mag]]\\ [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240501|chat messages]]| |May 8, 2024|Inflammation Unmasked: Insights into its Physiology, Detection, and Treatment. (Jerry Harris, Rheumatologist)\\ {{lctg:20240508_inflammation.pdf|slides}} . [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240508|chat messages]] . [[https://youtu.be/8Cq7BFYmZRo|watch the presentation]]| |May 15, 2024|Spacecraft Technology, the Design of the International Space Station, and Comparison of Technology in Spacecraft Over Time. Presented by Dr. Gary H Kitmacher from NASA Johnson Space Center. [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240515|chat messages]] . [[https://youtu.be/nBjHjm04G6E|watch the presentation]]| |May 22, 2024|Potpourri: Check Washing 101\\ Your favorite apps and websites. Follow-up to meeting 2/14 {{lctg:20240522_drew-appsnstuff.pdf|slides}}\\ Eclipse photos (TedK) 15m [link to Ted's pictures - coming soon]| |May 29, 2024|Oppenheimer and the Institute for Advanced Study, presented by Dan Kleppner [[https://youtu.be/c3QYdhFDmTU|watch the presentation]] [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240529|chat messages]] | |June 5, 2024|Selected talk(s) from Google| |June 12, 2024|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2mO_MWRBo0|Materials and Medicine - talk by Robert Langer]], a replay of his presentation at Cary Library on May 28th.\\ Retro Technology: examples, how it/they work, how to use. Sliderule, rotary telephone, abacus, etc.| |June 19, 2024|5G and 6G: 10-fold increase in top internet speeds. (TedK & BobP) {{lctg:20240619_5g_update.pdf|5G slides}} . [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240619|chat messages]]| |June 26, 2024|YouTube topics on Quantum Mechanics: Sabina and others. (BarryK) Videos shown:\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-aGIvUomTA|Don't fall for quantum hype]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBLVtCYHVO8|The Quantum Hype Bubble Is About To Burst]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UkXJsF8_so|Quantum Computing with Light: The Breakthrough?]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlCsi8zagNw|Quantum Computers cross 1000 Qubits Threshold! What does this mean?]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8A4wEohqT0|It looks like AI will kill Quantum Computing]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSV0RMlJpEg|Bad News for Quantum Computing: Another Advantage Gone]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-j8nGvYMA8|Quantum Internet: No One Needs This]]\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKVJEuVkPvw|How to Detect Quantum Bullshit]] | |July 3, 2024|Potpourri\\ Considerations and specifications for your next computer {{lctg:20240703_copilot_pcs_buying_considerations.pdf|slides}} . [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240703|chat messages]]| |July 10, 2024|GASP Planning session (Gigantic Allhands Scheduling and Planning)| |July 17, 2024|Development of the Abiocor total artificial heart (Alan Millner)\\ //The Abiocor total artificial heart developed by Abiomed, is an electro-hydraulic device implanted in a patient with the original damaged heart removed. It is self-contained with no tether to hospital equipment.// [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240717|chat messages]] . {{lctg:20240717_total_artificial_heart.pdf|slides}} . [[https://youtu.be/Pdr9zLxsQRA|watch the presentation]]| |July 24, 2024|Fusion Update (TedK) [[https://youtu.be/Pr9isXNqFTA|watch the presentation]]| |July 31, 2024|Old Technology 1968-1994 (JohnRudy) [[https://youtu.be/vQb1gN0O45U|watch the presentation]] . [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240731|chat messages]] . {{lctg:20240731_computerhistory_1968_to_1994.pdf|slides}}| |August 7, 2024|Bob Metcalfe talk: Connectivity is the Thing [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240807|chat messages]]| |August 14, 2024|WinGet - Windows Package Manager (Drew)| |August 21, 2024|Several Tech-for-Seniors episodes. Will be useful/interesting even if you're not old enough to be a "senior". [[https://youtu.be/qaDrk7TsqFs?feature=shared|Ep 170A 6/17/2024 Hackers, Duck Duck Go, and more]] [[https://youtu.be/bCKO_AJmLdg?feature=shared|Ep 176A 7/29/2024 Screenshot on Chromebook, Snopes, Trackers]]| |August 28, 2024|Euclid Telescope (JerryS) [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240828|chat messages]] [[https://youtu.be/AGAS6U5hIg8|watch the presentation]]| |September 4, 2024|Potpourri\\ * Bringing back the dead (info JohnR found)\\ * JerryS Covid vaccination update [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240904|chat messages]] [[https://youtu.be/4syJvEZDIIo|Watch the Covid presentation]]| |September 11, 2024|Quantum Computing (Vladan Vuletic, Dept. of Physics, MIT)\\ //Are quantum computers possible? And if yes, what will we be able to do with them (and when can I buy one)? Vladan will discuss the state of the art in quantum computing, with particular focus on neutral-atom quantum computing based on atoms in Rydberg states.// [[https://youtu.be/GZzD47Acosg|watch the presentation]]| |September 18, 2024|Claude Shannon - Father of Information Theory and Father of the Information Age (George Gamota)\\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2Whj_nL-x8|30 minute overview]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neA0NJNUEfM&t=431s|60 minute MIT lecture by Bob Gallagher]]\\ [[Claude Shannon Tricks for Creative Problem Solving]]| This page has been visited {{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time| total times}} since 20210323