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BU Title IX Resources

Copied from a slide presented during a course presented by SumTotal. I'm putting this information here because I'm not sure if it's available elsewhere.

Obligations of Faculty and Staff

Employee Reporting Obligations

What to do when students come to you

If a student brings a sexual misconduct concern to you, do not try to manage the situation yourself.

Central reporting to the designated, trained official(s):

As a RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYEE, you must contact your Deputy Title IX Coordinator and/or the University-Wide Title IX Coordinator.

Contact information for the Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators for each school and college is located on the Equal Opportunity Office website (URL: )

Campus Resources

Anyone who has been the target of sexual misconduct is encouraged to seek help and support.

Students who are uncertain of their options or who simply need help should call the Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Center (SARP). They are a confidential resource. Phone: (617) 353-7277; Web:

Students, faculty, and staff can contact their Deputy Title IX Coordinators at their school/college, or the University-wide Title IX Coordinator in the Equal Opportunity Office. They can provide resources and information on next steps for making a report with BU. Phone: (617) 358-1796; Web:

Faculty and staff may contact the Faculty and Staff Assistance Office (FSAO) for assistance. They are a confidential resource. Phone: (617) 353-5381; Web:

List of Available Campus Resources

Student Resources

Additional BU Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Resources

Note that the resources contained in this training are not the only available resources for the Boston University Community. For more information on available Sexual Misconduct and Title IX campus resources, including options for reporting, confidential resources, supportive measures, and other related information, refer to the Equal Opportunity Office website at