This page last changed 2023.04.25 13:16 Visits: [3 times today, 1 time yesterday, and 442 total times]
309B Great Road, Bedford MA 01730
Phone: 781-275-7007
Buffet prices
Which | days hours | Adult | Child |
Lunch | M-F 11:30a-2p SaSu hours? not on holidays | 16.95 | 10.95 |
Dinner | Su-Th 5:30p-8:30p FSa 5:30p-9p | 23.95 | 14.95 |
Cost calc, lunch
tip is on lunch only: lunch(16.95) + tax(7%=1.19) + tip(18%*16.95=3.05) = $21.19/person, round this to $21.
Steve is willing to coordinate the buffet payments.
If you decide to order a drink (e.g., Coke/Pepsi, beer/wine, mixed drink, etc) then you need to be responsible for paying your server. Thank you.