Table of Contents



  1. Turn dial to SET CLOCK.
  2. Using the +/- buttons, set the time of day, including AM and PM. Timer advances faster if button is held down.
  3. Press the ARROW button to set current day.
  4. Press the +/- buttons to move between and select the current day of the week. Press the ARROW button to toggle back to the time of day.
  5. Turn dial to save changes


This timer features three customizable watering schedules [A], [B], [C]. A watering schedule may include start times for Station 1, Station 2, or both Station 1 and Station 2. A watering start time is the time of day the timer will begin to water all programmed stations; one after another.

NOTE: Only watering schedule [A] is required. Advanced Users may use watering schedules [B] and [C] for additional watering.

  1. Turn dial to START TIME.
  2. Watering schedule [A] is automatically selected and the time selector will be blinking.
  3. Using the + / - buttons, set the time you want all watering to begin, including AM and PM. Timer advances faster if button is held down. A box is placed around watering schedule [A] noting a start time has been added.
  4. Both Station 1 and Station 2 are automatically selected (noted by boxes around them) when a start time is added. Both Station 1 and Station 2 will water, one after the other, beginning at your selected start time. To remove a station from watering schedule [A] press the STATION button to cycle through and select Station 1 or Station 2. Press the - button to toggle the station off (removing the box). Press the + button to toggle the station on (adding the box).
  5. Advanced Users - To program watering schedules [B] or [C] press the ARROW button to move through a select {B] or [C]. Selected schedule will be blinking. Repeat steps 3-5 to program additional watering schedules. Use watering schedules [B] and [C] if you need additional watering schedules.
  6. Turn dial to save changes and move to the next step.


  1. Turn dial to HOW LONG.
  2. Station 1 and the time selector will be blinking.
  3. Use +/- buttons to add a 1 to 360 minute watering duration. Timer advances faster if button is held down. A box is placed around Station 1.
  4. To select Station 2 press the STATION button. Station 2 and the time selector will be blinking.
  5. Use +/- buttons to add a 1 to 360 minute watering duration. Timer advances faster if button is held down. A box is placed around Station 2.
  6. Turn dial to save changes and move to the next step.

NOTE: To start over press CLEAR.
NOTE: To move between stations press the STATION button


  1. Turn dial to HOW OFTEN.
  2. Watering schedule [A] will be blinking.
  3. There are two ways to set your watering frequency for Watering Schedule [A]; Days of the Week or Interval. Only one option may be selected for Watering Schedule [A].
    • Option 1- Days of the Week – Select specific days you water to water:
      • Press + or - button to move the cursor down to the Days of the Week.
      • Use the ARROW button to move to the desired day (S, M, T, W, T, F, S). The selected day of the week will be blinking.
      • Press the + button to toggle the Day of the Week on (a box is placed on the day).
        Press the - button to toggle the Day of the Week off (the box is removed from the day).
      • Repeat to select any combination of days.

Advanced Users - To program Watering Schedules [B] or [C] press the ARROW button to move through and select [B] or [C]. Selected schedule will be blinking. Repeat steps to program watering frequency for additional Watering Schedules [B] and [C].

Turn dial to save changes and to complete programming.

NOTE: To start over press CLEAR.

Your timer is now programmed. Turn your dial to AUTO to allow your timer to water according to programmed time, station, duration, and frequency.



Rain delay allows you to postpone watering for a set period of time. To access the rain delay, follow the steps below.

  1. With the dial on AUTO, press the button.
  2. Using the +/- buttons select a delay of 1 to 7 days.
  3. Screen will flash between clock and hours remaining before programmed cycle resumes.
  4. To remove rain delay, turn dial to OFF and then back to AUTO.


This feature allows you to manual water without interrupting your set schedule.

There are two ways to manual water: all stations as programmed or selected stations.

To manual water all stations as programmed:
  1. With the dial on AUTO, press the MANUAL button.
  2. β€œALL” will be displayed and the timer will water all stations as programmed.
To manual water specific stations or durations:
  1. With the dial on AUTO, press the MANUAL button.
  2. Press the STATION button to select desired station.
  3. Using the +/- buttons, select watering duration from 1 to 360 minutes.

NOTE: There may be a slight delay between the time the manual button is pressed and when watering begins.