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[This page last changed 2022.10.11 15:31; visits 8 times today, 3 times yesterday, and 1677 total times]

We all have bank accounts, credit cards, insurance policies, healthcare accounts, the list goes on. Many are online. There are so many of these to remember, the URL to go to for access, phone numbers, account numbers, and an access login and password–preferably one that is complex and hard to guess.

The challenge is how do you keep track of all of this information in a way that is secure, yet easy to access, that's stored in multiple locations so it's unlikely to get lost, and that you can make available to your next-of-kin if necessary?

We will discuss a solution that your presenter uses to solve all of these challenges in a cost affordable–free–way.

Importance of Strong Hard-to-Guess Passwords

And, hard to remember passwords

How to Guess a Password

From Feb, 2017:

Recent from WikiHow: Gives a set of steps to follow to guess someone's password.

  1. Figure out the password requirements for the site or app
  2. Ask for a hint or security questions (the “hint” may be easy to guess)
  3. Check the list of easy-to-remember passwords
    1. like: 123456, 123456789, Qwerty, Password, Pa$$w0rd, Qwerty123, Iloveyou, etc
  4. Phone screen passwords may be easy to guess (123456, 147258, etc)
  5. Names of family members and pets
  6. What you know about the target's interests (Golfpro, Mathwhiz, etc)
  7. Significant numbers and dates
    1. like: address, birth/marriage/etc dates, lucky numbers, graduation date
  8. Reverse or change the letters
    1. Adlihnurb, tsorfmada
    2. Substituting $ for s, 0 for o, 3 for e, 1 for i, etc (P@$$w0rd, w1k1h0w)
  9. If you have access to their machine, check for saved passwords in Browsers

How long to crack: From Kim Komando March 2021

Lengthnumbers onlylowercase lettersU/L lettersNumbers, U/LNumbers, U/L, Symbols
10instantly58 min1 month7 months5 years
112 secs1 day5 years41 years400 years
1225 seconds3 weeks300 years2000 years34k years
134 mins1 year16k years100k years2m years
1441 mins51 years800k years9m years200m years
156 hrs1k years43m years600m years15 bn years

Of course technology will improve over time and shorten these brute force crack times.

You should assume that the attacker knows a lot about you: e.g., Facebook. Guessable things like the following have no business being in your password (or as one the answer to any of your recovery questions):

How to Protect Yourself

Remembering Passwords and Associated Issues

Piece of paperFree, flexibleLoss. Smudges/can't read writing. Processed by washing machine. Someone else can get. You create the passwords.
Sticky note attached to computerFreeCan be seen or stolen by others. Fall off/loss. Smudges/can't read writing. Only available on computer its posted. You create the passwords.
SpreadsheetFree, flexibleWhere do you store it. Overwrittenable by accident. You create passwords.
Password ManagerFree, or paid. Can produce good passwords in one spot. Backupable.Where are passwords stored. Possible breech if stored online. Loss or theft if stored in thumb drive or your computer.

or there's this option,
credit to John McPherson of Close to Home:

How to create hard-to-guess passwords

If a human is going to guess the password then make it unhuman. Consider: a password “safe”. Here are some alternatives, many are free or have free options.
You can also do a DuckDuckGo (or Google if you're still using Google) search for “Best Password Managers” and look for those with recent information.

All of these offer login and text note storage in a secure vault protected by your master password, and can generate (and store) strong passwords.

Following data updated 10/9/2022. There are MANY other options, these are a few. You should study all of the features and drawbacks of any option you consider or select.

ManagerFree version. Paid version. Cost. platforms Access on one device type (computer or mobile) 1GB encrypted cloud storage
Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
Contingency plan (loved one access in emergency)
Free for one device type; $36/yr 1 user, $48/yr 6 users (group and share items, family manager)Browser based. Win, Mac, Linux, Mobile
www.dashlane.comOne device, secure sharingunlimited devices, 1GB max, VPN Free; $60/yr or $90/yr (10 accts)Browser based. Win, Mac, iOS, Android
keepersecurity.comno free option(Personal) no limits on storage, devices, sharing; (family) 5 vaults, 10GB secure storagePersonal $35/yr, Family $75/yrApp: Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android; Browser extension
www.roboform.comone device sync across devices, cloud backup, web access. Family plan is 5 users.Personal: $16.68/1yr, $45.14/3yr, $69.60/5yr
Family: $33.40/1yr, $90.20/3yr, $139.30/5yr
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, Chromebook, Browsers
bitwarden.comUnlimited pw, devices 2FA, emergency access, share w/1-6 people $10/yr one user, $40/yr up to 6 users Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Browsers free version, only paid, 2wk free trialunlimited pw & devices, 1GB storage, 2FA.Individual: $36/yr, Families (5 family members): $60/yrMac, Win, Linux, iOS, Android, Browsers pw, notes also, credit cardsemergency access Premium $24/yr, Family (6 accts) $60/yrWin, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Browsers
* Can run from USB
* Many customizable options
* A little intimidating? You judge.
FOSS1) - there is no paid version – all features in free version
Many ports, with different features and UI
Note, no cost. Does not provide place to store the Password Safe, that's up to youWindows, Android, iPhone/iPad, Mac, Chromebook, Blackberry, Linux, and more

KeePassXC is a KeePass port, see Tech Radar's review: It's free but accepts donations.



Lawrence Lee February 19, 2017 at 12:07 am
While I do definitely agree with using a password manager, you also should be careful of who you trust with your information. LastPass recently had a data breach where hackers got away with a significant amount of personal information – thankfully no encrypted passwords were taken, but the fact that they were able to get as much as they did is slightly concerning. You’d think that a company who’s only goal is to increase your online security would be able to defend against intrusions by attackers.

What I do

These are my practices for your information. You should make a decision that's best for you.

To note:


Using a password manager:

More About KeePass

Note that many of these features can be handled/provided by other password manager software, free and at cost

My history with passwords and password managers

Here is a possible password I might use: cqLbq2NHcuNmgU – 14 characters, upper and lower case letters, and at least one number. This one has entropy 82.06 which is deemed “good”.

Another: M6dehfJRn7dz7lM82K 18 characters with entropy 101.60 and is deemed “excellent” by KeePass. By comparison

passwordentropy 1.00
Passwordentrypy 2.00
P@$$w0rdentropy 3.58 (and P@$$w0 has entropy 16.80 !)

There are other capabilities of a KeePass password manager, such as autofill (it'll copy and enter passwords for you) and URL entry (it'll type your site's URL into your browser), and more; but I do not have experience with these.

Next: Live demo of KeePass

on smi macbook

Questions and Answers


FOSS=Free, Open-Source Software