Table of Contents

Tips for traveling

Packing tips

(These from Trip Advisor with smi additions)

Avoid catching something on an airplane


You can get early access to the plane by saying you have a peanut allergy and need time to wipe down the seat area.

Surviving a plane crash

Very unlikely it'll happen, but just in case.
How to survive a plane crash
In brief:

Hiding Money

Youtube video
In short:

Security Tips

You're in a hotel or a room somewhere and you want a cheap way to securely keep the door closed so even those with a key can't get in. Door lock out of a dinner fork
Commercial door lock on Amazon abt $22

Packing list Suggestions

from Katherine Maher, international geek via Quora

1.  Never check luggage.
	• It's not just that it gets lost. Not checking means you can switch  flights in a pinch, whether for a more direct connection, an upgrade, or  to take a voucher for a later flight when they get full. 3 weeks on 1  bag is totally possible!
	• Learn how to roll. The NYTimes has a great demo here:
	• Prepacked travel kits (see below). Wet bag for toiletries, dry bag for meds/sundries, and business kit. Replenish after every trip, store together.
2.  Plane - Pack a business kit for coach
	• earphones
	• plane socks - pressure socks for  long hauls - DVT is no fun. regular socks for plane-only wear keep you warm if you stupidly wore sandals, and lets you run to the bathroom without shoes, without getting regular socks grimy.
	• inflatable neck pillow
	• eye mask
	• chapstick
	• pen
	• mini toothbrush/toothpaste
	• earplugs
3.  Health 
	• ibuprofen/aspirin
	• Cipro
	• Benadryl
	• Neosporin
	• 30% DEET mosquito repellent - anti-malarials are miserable. use DEET, wear light colored, long clothing, and be careful instead.
	• oral re-hydration salts - get  better fast after food poisoning (also great for hangovers)
	• condoms
	• band-aids
	• SPF30 or 50
4.  Toiletries:
	1. Buy a clear hard plastic regulation size bag.
	2. Buy a set of 3oz/100mL refillable bottles. buy only the kind with 3 OZ or 100mL stamped into the plastic. some airports will not accept unmarked bottles, even if properly sized, and printed writing wears off. I learned this the hard way (I'm looking at you, Dublin).
	3. Fill them with your standard products. you will never need more than 3 oz for 3 weeks, and probably longer.
	4. Fill your bag with your bottles. 
	5. Fill a pencil case or similar with cotton balls & Q-tips (& tampons, etc).
	6. Leave in your suitcase. Refill when necessary. Never worry again!
5. General
	• notebook, w/ mini paper map of destination city and all critical phone #s
	• unlocked GSM phone - skip the roaming bills, get a local SIM
	• shower sandals
	• sunglasses
	• medium-size square scarf - warmth,  coverage (for women), makes a dirty seat instantly clean.
	• packet of clothing detergent - wash & wear
	• string - tie stuff up. turn a shower into a clothes line. string is awesome. 
	• duct tape
	• zipties or twisties
	• 4-5 ziploc baggies
	• pocket knife
	• bottle opener
	• uniconverter
	• mini flashlight, LED are best
	• 2 AA batteries, 2 AAA batteries
	• tissues (the little plastic baggies)
	• gum for when you can't brush your teeth
	• granola bars
	• Visa - it's true - it's everywhere you  want to be. MasterCard is often not.