Table of Contents

Page last updated 10/13/2019 3:45pm Eastern

Britain, Ireland, Scotland Tour -- Collette, Sept-Oct 2019

Welcome to a collection of pictures, videos, and related files that you have sent me or that I have prepared for you. Please feel free to contribute your pictures or videos, just send them to me ( and I will post them here for you; if you put them elsewhere (e.g., a photo site, YouTube, or somewhere else) just send me the link and I'll include it here.

The recipes from the cooking class


Marvin's pictures from our farewell dinner on October 10, 2019 (note, these are hosted on my personal site and is not publicly available.)


We're introducing ourselves on the bus (video is private to us)
How to pronounce the long town name

Tips for This and Future Tours

technical details

Feel free to skip this or read it if you're interested in what goes on behind the curtains.

I've left the MS Windows world and I'm using Apple MacBook now, running Mojave.
I'm using Doku Wiki (free) to support the wiki site, using my Dreamhost ISP and domains that I've purchased.
I use DaVinci Resolve to edit my videos. While I'm using a MacBook to do this, Resolve is also available for Windows and Linux. And it's free (and it works better than some paid-for software I was using on Windows).
I'm trying new software for processing pictures to a website, it's called jAlbum and so far it's working ok (do you agree?). It's free for 30 days, so either I'll stop then, find a free replacement, or pay the money, I'm not sure yet. If you have a tool that you use to publish your pictures, I'd like to know, thanks.

I am always interested in hearing your suggestions or answering your questions or concerns on any of this.
Steve Isenberg

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