There are some things that need to be done on the existing Wordpress site before we transfer it, according to this Dreamhost Wordpress migration page.

1. Make sure you've updated your WordPress installation (see: to the most recent version.

2. Check your themes and plugins (see: to ensure that they've all been updated or deleted if no longer in use.

3. You need to make sure that either SteveP is at the meeting or else he gives you or someone else who'll be there tomorrow the existing BNUG WordPress site credentials.

We also need to be sure that the following are NOT the case (I think they aren't but we need to be sure) as the easy migration CANNOT happen if any of these are true:

Given that all is OK to this point, now to doing the work.
It looks like the next steps need to be done at the existing site after completing the above.
This page has the details I summarize below, start at Step 2, “Installing and activating the plugin”:

I'll be there tomorrow.

I can walk people through what I've done already up to the Step 2 activity. However, if steps 1, 2, and 3 above (updates & credentials) have not been completed this will be a waste of time.