Table of Contents

Zoom Security

Protective and Useful Settings

Settings that are made in your zoom account that will protect your meeting(s) and make them more useful.
To get there:

Go to and log into your account.
Profile > Settings

Meeting tab settings
Waiting Room OFF Used to screen participants before letting them into the meeting.
My preference is OFF, so participants can join without screening.
When ON, then those joining meeting are placed in a waiting room, and host has to admit attendees individually.
Hosts/co-hosts can turn Waiting Room ON after the meeting has started.
Join before host ON This ON means participants can join and chat before you the host get to the meeting
You will be notified when a participant joins the meeting if you're not in it yet
Mute participants upon entry ON So those joining won't disturb the presentation in progress
Chat ON
Private chat ON Participants can send messages privately to each other
Useful for hosts/co-hosts to privately communicate.
Co-Host ON Lets the host add co-hosts, who can help run/monitor the meeting just like the host can
Screen sharing ON So host or participants can share their screen or content during meeting
Who can share? All Participants Set to All as often more than one person is sharing screen or content
The next setting can prevent screen hijacking
Who can start sharing
when someone else is sharing?
Host Only Prevents an attendee from grabbing the share from the presenter.
Host/co-host can stop someone's share at any time. Prevents hijacking.
Allow removed participants to rejoin OFF If host/co-host kicks someone out of meeting, they can't rejoin to continue bad behavior
Recording tab settings
Display participants' names in the recording ON/OFF when participant video shows you see their name
Record thumbnails when sharing ON You see the speaker along with what they are sharing
Recording Disclaimer ON Shows disclaimer to participants before starting recording
Ask participants for consent… ON
Multiple audio notifications ON Tells participants that the meeting is being recorded (when recording starts or stops or when participants join a meeting being recorded)

During Meeting Hints

When sharing a video, look on lower left of the share-screen where you find the video to share, and select “Share Computer Sound”.

During-Meeting Security

Originally to provide security for High Holidays 2020. From Joshaua Heller via Rabbi Sparr, received 9/18/2020 at 10am and copied here with only appearance edits.

One last bit of advice- the zoom bombers will be out in force this weekend. There are lots of documents with great advice, this is a supplement gives specific steps for during and after an incident. You may want to run a practice drill

Zoom Security/Zoom Bombing Response

* Waiting room should be enabled, and password if possible.
* Before meeting starts, host should go to security shield and make sure that screen share and annotate are disabled before the start of the meeting.
* For large meetings, have someone designated to watch for security- watch the top of the participant list- whoever’s microphone is moving is who is talking.
* Tactics to be aware of- someone may “clone” the name of a user already in the meeting.
* Have a copy of membership list and HHD registration list handy.
* If you have just one disruptor, you can start with B and then go to A. If you are not sure, start with A and then go to B.

A. Removing ability of users to disrupt from within the meeting.
1.Click on picture of the rabbi or leader, select the three dots, and select “spotlight”- the other user will not be able to show any images on the screen.
2. Click on “Manage Participants” and mute all (when you get the option, make sure you unclick “allow participants to unmute themselves)
3. From shield, remove ability of participants to chat , rename themselves.

B. Removing users from the meeting:
Once you have identified the confirmed or potential disruptors.
1. Click on their picture, go to the three dots, and click “report” and/or “remove” (or, if you are not sure) put in waiting room. You can also do this from “Manage participants”- click on them and select “More”
2. If you are not sure, you can message people in the waiting room. They cannot message you back, but you can ask them to call a number to confirm who they are etc.

C. Return to normal
1. Let people know that there was a disruption and it has been handled (some people may not even notice.
2. Review participant list (all should be either members or people who are on our prospective list)
3. Go to security shield and allow people to unmute.

D. After the fact- watch the waiting room and decide whether to let others in.
It is possible to go into the zoom portal to get a location and IP address of disruptors to follow up with law enforcement

Additional thoughts about security

Zoom best practices

Based on information from BOLLI and Brandeis. Used with thanks but without permission.

Participating in the meeting

Beforehand: Setting up your computer and camera

Running into problems?

Muting your microphone and stopping your video

Being a Good Citizen

Using Bigger Monitor

(From Peter A. 9/20/2020)
Most of us use Zoom for social occasions as well as some of us use it for business as well. I recently found that displaying the images from Zoom on a larger display can make the interactions seem a little more personal as well as more enjoyable.

(It seems that Roku does not support screen mirroring from Apple devices.)

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