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lctg_speaker_schedule [2020.12.13 05:28] Steve Isenberglctg_speaker_schedule [2024.03.21 07:01] Steve Isenberg
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-//[[Doing a Zoom Presentation|Presenting to the group with Zoom]]\\ not ready for prime time: [[using ppt impress etc to present|Tips for using MS Powerpoint and LibreOffice Impress in your presentation]]\\ This schedule last modified ~~LASTMOD~~// +~~NOCACHE~~ 
-|< 100% 10% >| +//[[:lexingtoncomputergroup|Return to main LCTG page]]//\\  
-^Date^ Planned Topic^Confirmed?^Followups^ +//[[:doing_a_zoom_presentation|Presenting to the group with Zoom]]<color #ffffff>not ready for prime time: [using ppt impress etc to present|Tips for using MS Powerpoint and LibreOffice Impress in your presentation]</color>\\ 
-|Dec 16, 2020|**Acoustic Detection & Localization of an Active Shooter or Sniper** presented by Tony Galaitsis\\ Deranged shooters and terrorist or enemy snipers have been a concern for a long time. Technological advances over the past few decades have used gunfire acoustic information to detect and localize active shooters and snipers in order to prevent or minimize their deadly impact. This presentation reviews the general state of acoustic shooter/sniper detection and localization, based on publicly available information found on the internet (YouTube videos, Wikipedia, manufacturer brochures, and published papers/patents) and some basic geometry.|yes| | +This schedule last modified ~~LASTMOD~~// 
-|Dec 23, 2020|Vacation - Enjoy the holidays!| +====== LCTG Schedule ======
-|Dec 30, 2020|**Career stories** (update). People with careers during which interesting (and now unclassified) things have happened.  Mistakes made, lessons learned.\\ Many of the members of our club have technical and scientific backgrounds.  Some may be interested in presenting to the group important experiments or other developments in their field.\\ For example, in my field of pulmonary disease, the development of the Pneumatic Trough by the Rev. Stephen Hales (1677 – 1761) enabled Joseph Priestley (1733 – 1804) to discover oxygen.  The struggle of scientists at that time to understand the fundamentals of matter makes an interesting story.\\ **John Rudy coordinating** -- ''<color green>WOULD YOU LIKE TO PARTICIPATE?</color>'' -- let John know, email us at ''<color green></color>''\\ //so far, have: Bill Haley, Dan Kleppner, Dick Wagner, George Burnell, Mike Alexander, Smita Desai, hopefully Carl Lazarus// ''<color green>There is room for one or two others -- are you interested?</color>''|yes|+
-====2021==== + 
-|< 100% 10% - 5% 15% >|+<fs large>UPCOMING MEETINGS</fs> 
 +|< 100% 10% - 5% 8%>|
 ^Date^Topic^confirmed^Followups^ ^Date^Topic^confirmed^Followups^
-|Jan 62021|Peter Braun talk on Covid\\ (we have his OK to show to LCTG; we should invite him to this meeting)(1h //smi warehouse// but consider playing on zoom as it has transcript)|yes| | +|Mar 272024|How the MIT museum has restructured itself to a Technology gateway to MIT| |TedK
-|Jan 132021|**Priestly and the Discovery of Oxygen** (JerryJoseph Priestly (1733 - 1804) is credited with the discovery of oxygen. His discovery was a part of a long term scientific effort to understand the nature of matter.  His work as an untrained scientist showed analytical skill which illustrated the relevance of his finding. His discovery of oxygen represents the beginning of the understanding of the composition of the atmosphere and its role in respiration.|yes| +|Apr 32024|<bg yellow>GASP Planning session (Gigantic Allhands Scheduling and Planning)</bg>
-|Jan 202021|**Quantum Biology** (GeorgeG) (video and intro) with discussion (This is a new discipline where quantum effects are "visible" on/in biological systems.  More coming...)|yes| **GeorgeG** will supply abstract+|Apr 102024|Oppenheimer and the Institute for Advanced Study, presented by Dan Kleppner|  
-|Jan 272021|**Potpourri**\\ Freakonomics?\\ Election security, allegations, concerns, why is it so hard to have a closed and secure system? Securing mail-in voting; how states got it to happen. Involve Town clerk or rep to participate? (GeorgeB to follow-up)\\  ? BBC Horizon video, “Pluto: Back from the Dead” 1hr (PeterA)\\ ? BBC Horizon video, “Britain's Next Air Disaster? Drones.” 1hr (PeterA)\\ ? 3-year effort to video two vortex rings colliding in super slow motion. [[]] 8min (Bill Haley)\\ ? Other Mark Rober youtube videos (he did Squirrel vid)  [[]]\\ ? [[|Cryptocurrency and the IRSWhat No One Knew About Taxes 24min]]\\ (Or, finish earlier topics not completed)|NOT YET|need coordinator or GeorgeB|  +|Apr 172024|[[|Richard Feynman Lecture"Los Alamos From Below"]] (1h18m)| 
-|Feb 32021|[[]] (1hr video) **Plastics** having a recycle number on them leads people to think they will be recycled and are perhaps more accepting of then using them.  However, many thin plastic containers such as salad boxes or clear takeout containers are not in practice recycled. (**John Rudy, Bob Primak, George Burnell**) This might be more than one session.  Plastic bags biodegradability, manufacture, disposal, recycling.\\  Bob Beaudoin/Superintendent Environmental Services at Lexington DPW |yes|**GeorgeB** to confirm date with Beaudoin +|Apr 242024|Potpourri
-|Feb 102021|**Polaroid**: Recently I learned about a Google talk on the history of Polaroid (Instant:The Story of Polaroid Christopher Bonanos Talks at Google, 2012)It might make an interesting meeting. The talk is about an hour and we could augment it with "actual folks" who worked for Polaroid? With 3-4 people worked there (Peter Albin\\ I worked in photographic film product development at Polaroid for 23 years (1976 to 1998). It was there that out of necessity I became in involved in N-dimensional non-linear systems optimization computer tools. I could discuss the approaches that we used and the evolution of the software tools that were internally developed. Many of these tools and graphical visualization aids are now available in the commercial pack Design Expert by StatEase which I used in a final consulting gig at Polaroid in 2003. [Bob Eckert]|yes|**John**: need names to include| +|May 12024|Five Levels of Difficulty Day<fc #ff0000>Video Possibilities #3(dimensions), 4(lasers), 14(gravity), 35(time)</fc>| |Harry| 
-|Feb 172021|**History relating to Rubber**, what used for, how manufactured, WWI, WWII, rubber shortages (**George Burnell with Peter, John Rudy**)\\ WWI WWII Japan taking overfire hoses & rain gear|NOT YET|**GeorgeB** prepare abstract and presentation | +|May 82024|(tentativeArthritis Always painbut worth discussing and learning more about.(Jerry Harris/Bedford)| |**JohnR**| 
-|Feb 24, 2021|(GeorgeG**Mars landing**Perseverance, talk and visuals (if landing goes well, else related space info)|yes +|May 152024|Spacecraft Technology, the Design of the International Space Station, and Comparison of Technology in Spacecraft Over Time Presented by Dr. Gary H Kitmacher from NASA Johnson Space Center.|yes|Jerry
-|Mar 3, 2021|**Potpourri**\\ (Harry) Getting Streaming Programming Into Your TV (what to do when your TV just isn't smart enough)\\ Fix-It Shops, Dan Kleppner et al\\ and more?|yes| +|May 222024|Your favorite apps and websitesFollow-up on meeting 2/14
-|Mar 102021|Chris Barnett, theory of recycling (GeorgeB to followup)\\ Chris Barnett, VP waste mgmt |NOT YET|**GeorgeB** to confirm date with Barnett| +|May 292024
-|Mar 17, 2021|**Why is Venus so bloody hot?** The greenhouse effect(Charlie Holbrow)|yes| +|June 5, 2024| 
-|Mar 24, 2021|I. I. Robi, story of scientific rags-to-riches (Dan Kleppner)|yes|**Dan K** to supply summary| +|June 122024| 
-|Mar 312021|(GeorgeG to fup) Flying Cars, technology and practical considerations Woburn company?|NOT YET|**GeorgeG** find person to speak and confirm date(date is flexible)| +|June 19, 2024
-|Apr 7, 2021|**Telephone Switching Before Computers** (Ken Pogran)|yes+|June 262024| 
-|Apr 142021|**The Apollo Mission** Presented by Fred MartinScD.; Dr. Martin served as the Apollo Software Project Manager while at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory (now Draper Lab) and then pursued an industrial career in software analysis and management.\\ //History will surely record the voyage to the moon as being the greatest adventure of the 20th century. We will first examine our fascination with our closest neighbor and early speculation of travel through the writings of Jules VerneWe will discuss the principles of how a rocket works, gain an understanding of JFK’s decision and confidence to place a man on the Moon, and experience the Apollo Moon Project “first hand:” its methods, triumphs and surprises. Our resources will include Dr. Martin’s experiences within the Apollo Program and videos of the exciting minute-by-minute landing on the Moon’s surface.//|yes| | +|July 32024
-|Apr 212021|Andrea Ghez; won Nobel Physics for black holes, Brian Green video has interview with her. JohnR has videos with Ghez (and will investigate applicability for LCTG)\\ [[]] This is an excellent description by Andrea Ghez (2020 Nobel Prize winner in Physics). It is 50 minutes long and is an excellent example of women in science.  I think it is better than her interview with Brian Greene. It was given at the World Science Festival which is run by Greene| | +|July 102024
-|Apr 282021|**Potpourri**+|July 172024
-|May 5, 2021|Space Debris: A Big Problem (Georg Kirchner) ''<color #404040>//When the first satellites were launched some 60 years agospace was more or less empty. However, the ever increasing launching activities since that now have created a rather crowded environment above our heads: More than 30.000 space debris objects – old / defunct satellites, upper stages of rockets, remaining parts after explosions of collisions etc. – are now orbiting in different altitudes, tracked by radar, laser and passive optical telescopes. The possibility of collisions is already rather high: Collision warning systems create already more than 1000 warnings per day (!) of close encounters between 2 objects – and sometimes this is TOO close – and a collision between two space debris objects, at velocities of 27.000 km/h, creates several 1000 new space debris parts…\\ Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) has demonstrated during the last years the capability of tracking such debris objects, helping to determine their accurate orbit, and also their tumbling motions – important features if you want to catch an old upper stage, and remove it from space.//</color>''\\ //Dr. Karl Georg Kirchner is a group leader at the Space Research Institute, Department of Satellite Geodesy, Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz, Austria.//yes| | +|July 242024| 
-|May 122021|Ivor Morgan is willing to talk about his career in Antarcticahe has photos. It started with him being assigned to a radar station in UK after WWII, then to Antarctica for 2 years. [**George Gamota**] +|July 312024
-|May 192021|**Potpourri** +|August 72024
-|May 262021|Lex Liby presentation on security by Bruce Schneier [[]] +|August 142024
-|June 22021|Eli Brookner would like to present to the group "Fun Family Talk on Contributions of Radar to Winning WWII" Abstract from Eli:\\ //Radar was in its infancy at the start of World War II. The British were using radar effectively along their coastline with a network of antennas on very tall towers to warn of approaching German aircraftbut they needed an invention that would allow radars to be small enough to fit on ships and aircraft. They came up with the cavity magnetron. However they looked to American manufacturing know-how and resources to mass produce this device in a hurry. After turndowns by all the major US firms, a small Boston newcomer, Raytheon Company, came up with a solution and ended up making 85% of all magnetrons used by the allies in the war, and changed the course of the war.// +|August 212024
-|June 92021+|August 282024|
-|June 162021+
-|June 232021+
-|June 302021|+
 +<hidden initialState="visible" onVisible="Click to hide recent meetings" onHidden="click to show recent meetings"> 
 +<fs large>RECENT MEETINGS</fs>
 +|< 100% 10% - 5% 8%>|
 +|Oct 18, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 1: Introducing ChatGPT\\ {{lctg:20231018_chatgpt_part1_introducing_chatgpt.pdf|slides}}  [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]] [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231018|chat messages]] |
 +|Oct 25, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 2: Just how smart is ChatGPT?\\ {{lctg:20231025_chatgpt_part2_how_smart_is_it.pdf|slides}} [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]]  [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231025|chat messages]]|
 +|Nov 1, 2023|Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 3: How LLMs (Large Language Models) work  {{lctg:20231101_chatgpt_part3_how_llms_work.pdf|slides}} [[lctg:20231018plus-details|Details]]  [[|watch the presentation]] [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231101|chat messages]]|
 +|Nov 8, 2023|Chip manufacturing update - The Intersection of Trends, Markets, and Capabilities in Electronics Manufacturing Ecosystem (Dan Gamota)\\ [[20231108_abstract|abstract]] . [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231108|chat messages]] | 
 +|Nov 15, 2023|Potpourri\\ * New Windows release (Drew; tentative)\\ * Using iPad as (another) monitor on your computer (Drew, SteveI)\\ * and maybe something else TBD|
 +|Nov 22, 2023|//No meeting, day before Thanksgiving// or how to roast a turkey and study quantum mechanics at the same time|
 +|Nov 29, 2023|Educational applications of AI (Can AI detect the use of AI by students?) (Ways to detect use of AI: no contractions, etc) {{lctg:20231129_ai_in_education.pdf|slides}}| 
 +|Dec 6, 2023 |Hockney-Falco Thesis on the history of art (Harry) [[|slides]] . [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231206|chat messages]] [[|watch the presentation]]|
 +|Dec 13, 2023|<color /#ffffe0>*GASP* Meeting (Gigantic Allhands Scheduling and Planning)</color>\\ [[2023lctgmeetingchats#20231213|chat messages]]|
 +|Dec 20, 2023|Potpourri\\ [[|The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (Feynman)]] (50m)\\ [[|Newton and Pi on “Veritasium”]] (18m)| |
 +|Dec 27, 2023|//No meeting because of the holidays//|
 +|Jan 3, 2024 |We Will Have a Syncing Feeling: Using applications and files across platforms - a forum (Drew King, lead) [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240103|chat messages]]| | | 
 +|Jan 10, 2024|LIDAR mapping with Dale Fried of 3DEO, hosted by Dan Kleppner [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240110|chat messages]] . [[|watch the presentation]]\\ For more information on the company and its technology, visit the 3DEO website at [[]] and their [[|YouTube Channel]]|
 +|Jan 17, 2024|Unifying Nature’s Laws: The State of String Theory.|
 +|Jan 24, 2024|Videos played:\\ [[|How does Starlink Satellite Internet Work?]]\\ [[|Bill Gates talking with Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, about AI transforming education]]| 
 +|Jan 31, 2024|potpourri: [[|Feynman: Fun to Imagine]] (67min) followed by luncheon at Bamboo in Bedford|
 +|Feb 7, 2024 |Space Update (George Gamota) [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240207|chat messages]]| 
 +|Feb 14, 2024|Nifty Smartphone apps. Like Seek; Shazam; Pedometer; etc. [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240214|chat messages]]|
 +|Feb 21, 2024|Nifty Smartphone Apps Part 2 [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240221|chat messages]]| | |
 +|Feb 28, 2024|More neat apps for phones and computers -- and more (Adam Broun)\\ * several interesting apps from the useful to the idiotic: ''Authy'' (2-factor authentication); ''Arc Search'' (Browser with summarization); ''Windy'' (weather in depth); ''Rise'' (Sourdough baking); ''Can of Soup'' (silly pictures)\\ * Self-hosting, moving services away from Google and Apple to resources you can control yourself: ''Proxmox'' (virtual machines); ''OPNSense'' (router); ''Home Assistant'' (Home automation); ''Photoprism'' (photo management); ''NextCloud'' (file sharing and collaboration)\\ List of self-hosted apps: [[]], Self hosted forum: [[]]\\ {{lctg:20240228_homelab.pdf|slides}} [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240228|chat messages]]|
 +|Mar 6, 2024 |potpourri\\ * [[|"Watchroom"]], a short film by Noah Wagner on AI and Robotics.  It'll make you think. (Dick Wagner)\\ * Android Apps (Drew) -- continuing our topic of Interesting Apps from previous weeks. [[|watch the presentation]]  [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240306|chat messages]]|
 +|Mar 13, 2024|Sleep Deprivation (John Rudy) [[|watch the presentation]] {{lctg:20240313_sleeping_is_important.pdf|slides}} \\ What is Passkey and how does it work as compared to Passwords (Steve Isenberg) [[|watch the presentation]] [ [[passkey|notes on passkey used during presentation]] ]\\ [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240313|chat messages]]| 
 +|Mar 20, 2024|2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine: mRNA (Harry Forsdick & Dick Wagner) {{|watch the presentation}}\\ {{lctg:20240320_nobel_prize_in_medicine.pdf|slides}} [[2024lctgmeetingchats#20240320|chat messages]]\\ The link to videos in the slides may not work; here are the links to videos included in the presentation:\\ [[|How mRNA Vaccines Work]]\\ [[|mRNA Vaccines Questions and Misconceptions]]\\ [[|Announcement of the prize]]\\ [[|TED talk, how mRNA medicine will change the world, Melissa J. Moore]]|
-  * Orphaned (moved from 12/9/2020)\\ Computational Photography - changing what's used as a camera. [[|link]] e.g., replacing DSLR with cellphones; more (Jonathan Goode?, Harry Forsdick?) (needs a lead) +</hidden>
-  * Orphaned (moved from 11/11/2020)\\ How one builds a web application (e.g., using spreadsheets) (**Harry Forsdick**) +
-  * Orphaned Best of Freakonomics an interview with Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, moderated by Faith Salie. Recorded at the 92nd Street Y on May 2015. (Peter Albin has link to 70min video)+
 +<hidden page stats> This page has been visited {{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time| total times}} since 20210323</hidden>
lctg_speaker_schedule.txt · Last modified: 2024.07.10 11:18 by Steve Isenberg