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macbook [2019.04.06 05:30] – created Steve Isenbergmacbook [2022.10.23 11:49] (current) Steve Isenberg
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-====Selected keyboard shortcuts====+~~NOCACHE~~ <fc #a0a0a0><fs small>//This page last changed ~~LASTMOD~~ visits: {{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time total so far| total times}}//</fs></fc> 
 +=====MacBook and OS X Info=====
 +[[OS X Annoyances]]\\ 
 +See also [[Linux Annoyances]] for Terminal on Mac
 +====Selected OS X keyboard shortcuts====
 +Common OS X shortcuts ([[davinci_resolve_notes|Resolve shorts]])
 |⌘-F, ⌘-G|Find, find again| |⌘-F, ⌘-G|Find, find again|
-|⌘5|screenshot or screen recording| +|-5|screenshot or screen recording| 
-|⌘6|screen capture Touch Bar|+|-6|screen capture Touch Bar|
 |Power button|Press to sleep/wake; Long press to turn off Mac| |Power button|Press to sleep/wake; Long press to turn off Mac|
 +Finder and System Shortcuts
 +|⇧⌘-C|Open Computer window|
 +|⇧⌘-F|Open Recents window|
 +|⇧⌘-H|Open my Home folder|
 +|⇧⌘-I|Open iCloud drive|
 +|⇧⌘-O|Open Docunents folder|
 +|⌥⌘-D|Show/hide Dock|
 +|⌘-N|Open new Finder window|
 +|⌘-↑|Open folder containing current folder|
 +|⌘-↓|Open the selected item|
 +|⌘-delete|Move selected item to Trash|
 +|⌘-space|Invoke Spotlight|
 +|⌘-tab|Open application switcher; keep ⌘ pressed use Tab to get to app you want to use|
 +|fn-fn|Launch Dictation, start speaking. Press fn when done.|
 +|⌘-`|Move between open windows in currently active app.|
 +Document Shortcuts
 +|⌥-Delete|Delete word to left of insertion point|
 +|fn-↑|Page up; scroll up one page|
 +|fn-↓|Page down; scroll down one page|
 +|fn-←|Home: scroll to beginning of document|
 +|fn-→|End: scroll to end of document|
 +|⌘-↑|Move insertion point beginning of doc|
 +|⌘-↓|Move insertion point to end of document|
 +|⇧⌘-↑|Select text between insertion point and beginning of the document|
 +|⇧⌘-↓|Select text between insertion point and end of document|
 +|∧T|Swap the character behind insertion point with character after it|
 +Startup Key Combinations
 +|⌥⌘-P-R|[[|Reset NVRAM]] or PRAM|
 +|⇧|Start up in [[|Safe mode]]|
 +|⌘-V|Start up in [[|Verbose mode]], you can enter UNIX commands, to exit UNIX mode type command ''reboot''|
 +|Command (or Cmd)|⌘|
 +|Option (or Alt)|⌥|
 +|Control (or Ctrl)|⌃|
 +|Caps Lock|⇪|
 +====Casting to Chromecast====
 +Trying to find free apps to use to cast to Chromecast.  Did not have any luck; here are results 20200314:
 +^App name^Notes^
 +|Video cast for chromecast|5 min limit else pay $10|
 +|Elmedia Video Player|Plays video directly (not screen cast) for 1 min, works, $10|
 +|MKV Omni Player|never connected to cast|
 +|Stream to Smart TV|All options cost $$|
 +|Mirror to Smart TV|Choppy video and no audio. Only "works" with "Fast TV" option. Smooth TV and Audio never does anything|
 +|Just Stream|Looks like it's starting but stops without any casting|
 +|Oka Mirror|Isn't able to find any devices, even without VPN|
 +|Mirror Screen for Smart TV|Works but only for 3 mins|
 +Note: MacBook must be on exactly the same LAN as the TV.
 +This page has been visited 
 +{{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, 
 +{{counter|today| time| times}} today, and 
 +{{counter|total| time| times}} in total since April 25, 2019.
macbook.1554553831.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 11:18 (external edit)