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os_x_annoyances [2023.08.08 09:33] Steve Isenbergos_x_annoyances [2025.03.07 15:02] (current) – [Eject USB Stick/drive Issues] Steve Isenberg
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 ~~NOCACHE~~ <fc #a0a0a0><fs small>//This page last changed ~~LASTMOD~~ visits: {{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time total so far| total times}} since 4/25/2019//</fs></fc>  ~~NOCACHE~~ <fc #a0a0a0><fs small>//This page last changed ~~LASTMOD~~ visits: {{counter|today| time| times}} today, {{counter|yesterday| time| times}} yesterday, and {{counter|total| time total so far| total times}} since 4/25/2019//</fs></fc> 
-=====MacOS Annoyances=====+======MacOS Annoyances======
 [[Macbook]]\\  [[Macbook]]\\ 
 See also [[Linux Annoyances]] for Terminal on Mac See also [[Linux Annoyances]] for Terminal on Mac
Line 104: Line 104:
 To remove the limit, use the following command: To remove the limit, use the following command:
 <code>sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ MaxSize</code> <code>sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ MaxSize</code>
 +====Developer Cannot Be Verified====
 +You have downloaded an application and you are sure that it is safe to run on your machine.  However when you run it, you are presented with the error ''PROGRAM cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.''
 +The site [[]] has several suggestions, that I have copied here.  
 +These include looking for a newer or alternate version of the application.  But I think most useful is:
 +  - Open Finder
 +  - Locate the app you're trying to open
 +  - Control-Click (or right-click) the app
 +  - Select Open
 +  - Click Open\\ //this should let you open it easily in the future//
 ====Can't Delete File Because There's Not Enough Space==== ====Can't Delete File Because There's Not Enough Space====
Line 126: Line 138:
 To use this and get a sort based on size: ''du -hcd 1 | sort -h''  (the -h on the sort reads first column as human readable values, that is it treats 800M < 1G as you would expect) To use this and get a sort based on size: ''du -hcd 1 | sort -h''  (the -h on the sort reads first column as human readable values, that is it treats 800M < 1G as you would expect)
-====ISOs working with ISO files==== 
-===Play a DVD .iso image=== 
-Leawo Blu-ray Player works. 
-  - Mount the .iso (right-click on .iso file, ) 
-  - Run Leawo 
-  - See: Open File and the DVD you've mounted 
-  - Right-click on the DVD you want to play 
-  - Play Disk 
-===Burn an ISO file to Bootable USB=== 
-20201216 Success burning Linux Mint 20.1 to USB drive on iMac. 20221022 Success burning Q4OS 4.8 32bit to USB drive on iMac. 
-  - Get your iso, suppose it's in Downloads. 
-  - Insert your USB drive (make sure it's big enough) 
-  - Run Disk Utility, get the device name.  
-    - Right-click on the USB and Get Info 
-    - you'll see the /dev name there; it might be ''/dev/disk3s1'' or ''dev/disk4s1'' You might see just ''disk3''. 
-  - Run Terminal.   
-  - ''ls /dev/disk*'' 
-  - Find the disk without the s1.  Suppose it's disk3 (so you want ''/dev/disk3'') 
-  - ''sudo  dd  if=Downloads/linuxmint-20.1-cinnamon-64bit-beta.iso  of=/dev/disk3'' 
-  - If: "Resource busy" or "Operation not permitted" then eject the drive using the Disk Utility. 
-  - When ''dd'' completes (returns to terminal prompt), ''diskutil eject /dev/disk3'' Unplug the disk after you see "ejected". 
-  * A 2GB iso file took about 40 minutes to complete; the dd command tells records in and out, bytes transferred, and how long it took.  Be patient. 
-  * Note that MacOS may be unable to mount the USB drive when the ''dd'' command completes. This is ok. 
-<hidden initialState="invisible" onVisible="Click to hide prior attempts" onHidden="click to show prior attempts"> 
-Prior attempts 
-Digested from [[|link]] 
-[20191213] This did not work for me: I'd downloaded the Win10 ISO and followed instructions to create a boot USB stick.  The USB stick wouldn't boot. However I was able to use [[]] on a Windows machine to create a bootable USB stick. 
-You have an ISO file and you want to make a bootable USB stick from it.  You will need a USB stick larger than the ISO file (e.g., ISO is 6GB, you can use a 8GB or larger USB drive.  When done, the drive is completely full.) 
-  - Run terminal <code>diskutil list</code> 
-  - Find name of the USB stick (e.g., /dev/disk4; we'll use /dev/diskX here) 
-  - <code>diskutil unmount /dev/diskX</code> or if that doesn't work do <code>diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX</code> you should see a message saying unmount was successful. 
-  - Now go to finder and locate the ISO file.  Right-click, and Copy <filename> as Pathname. 
-  - Back to terminal, enter part of command (don't press enter yet)<code>sudo dd bs=1m if=</code> and then paste the pathname of the ISO file to the command and then add of=/dev/rdiskX 
-  - For ISO file in smi's download directory with name silly.iso the command will look something like<code>sudo dd bs=1m if=/Users/smi/Downloads/silly.iso of=/dev/rdiskX</code> 
-  - When it completes, type <code>diskutil eject /dev/diskX</code> see "ejected" message and unplug the USB stick. 
-bs is block size\\ if is input file\\ of is output file 
-Takes about 2 minutes to write a 6GB ISO file to a USB 3.1 drive. 
-20191213 I downloaded a Windows 10 ISO file from  
-You can find other Windows versions to download, see [[]] 
-===Burn an ISO file to Bootable CD/DVD=== 
-From [[]] 
-  - Open Finder window, navigate to your ISO file, single-click to select it 
-  - File > Burn Disk Image 
-  - Insert disk if you haven't already; click Burn 
-//Alternatively you can right-click on the ISO file and Burn Disk Image// 
-(For OS X 10.10 and earlier) From [[|Umass link]] 
-  - Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility 
-  - Insert blank CD/DVD 
-  - Drag the *.iso file from a //Finder// window to the //Disk Utility// window, drop in left pane in the empty area below the Mac drive names. 
-  - Select the .iso file name in the left pane of //Disk Utility//, and click **Burn** (top left).   
-  - The //Burn Disk In:// window opens and shows your CD/DVD as destination 
-  - Click **Burn** 
-  - When done the disk will eject 
-===Create an ISO file from a DVD=== 
-You have a DVD and you want to put it into an ISO file for later use. 
-from [[]] 
-==Using Terminal== 
-For the DVD, I used /dev/disk2. I verified this with diskutil list and unmounted it first. 
-$ sudo unmount /dev/disk2 
-$ dd if=/dev/disk2 of=mydisk.iso 
-Another user suggests 
-sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk2 
-dd if=/dev/disk2 of=~/myCD.iso bs=2048 conv=sync,notrunc 
-==Using Disk Utility== 
-Disk Utility - The on-screen prompts will guide you, but it will by default create a .dmg, which is an OS X-specific file format. Disk Utility will also create an ISO (.cdr extension) if you select the "CD/DVD Master" option before creating the image. You can rename the extension (to .iso) after creation if desired. 
 ====Active Window is Covered==== ====Active Window is Covered====
Line 334: Line 248:
   - In the Preferences panel open the Sidebar tab. Click the checkmark for iCloud Drive.   - In the Preferences panel open the Sidebar tab. Click the checkmark for iCloud Drive.
 +====View hidden files and folders in Finder====
 +In Finder, go to the directory, and then: ''Command-shift-.''\\ 
 +Repeat to re-hide stuff.
 +====Reset Networking====
 +I found that NordVPN was not working correctly and their support said to reset the MacOS networking.  On my iMac running Catalina, I did the following to effect this:
 +  * In Finder, go to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration
 +  * Locate these three files and rename them (like add XXX to beginning of file name -- ''preferences.plist'' to ''XXX preferences.plist'')
 +    * <ff serif></ff>
 +    * <ff serif>NetworkInterfaces.plist</ff>
 +    * <ff serif>preferences.plist</ff>
 +  * Reboot the computer
 +    * From apple in upper left, choose Reboot
 +    * If this fails, start terminal and enter command ''sudo shutdown -r now''
 +====Eject USB Stick/drive Issues====
 +If you try to eject a USB drive and get message "drive wasn't ejected because one or more programs may be using it" here's some things you can try. 
 +Suppose drive is called DD1.\\ (You would run these commands in Terminal.)
 +===What processes are using the drive?===
 +''sudo fuser -u /Volumes/DD1''
 +===Info about the process===
 +Suppose the command above returns process ID 129.\\ 
 +''ps -fp 129''\\ 
 +A process with /System/Library/ in the path is a system process.  If it's in /Applications/ then it's likely a third-party app.
 +===Command that started the process===
 +''ps aux | grep 129''
 +===Parent of the process===
 +''ps -o ppid= -p 129''
 +===If the process is something 'mds'===
 +A process with ''mds'' in it means it's a Spotlight app.  To temporarily exclude the drive from Spotlight,\\ 
 +''sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/DD1''\\
 +System Settings > Spotlight > Spotlight Privacy\\ 
 +Click + and select DD1, and add it to the list.
Line 362: Line 318:
 If you want to change things (add/delete images, re-arrange them) then open the PDF you created in Preview, and select View > Contact Sheet or View > Thumbnails and add/delete and re-arrange.  Then save from the file menu. If you want to change things (add/delete images, re-arrange them) then open the PDF you created in Preview, and select View > Contact Sheet or View > Thumbnails and add/delete and re-arrange.  Then save from the file menu.
 +====Edit PDFs====
 +"Read, edit, convert, merge, and sign PDF files across devices for completely free and without signing up."  This is what PDFgear claims.  [[]] with info on [[|LifeHacker]]
 +Convert PDF to Word, Excel, JPG, PNG, and more. 
 +Free downloads for Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android.  Rated 4.8 (as of 3/16/2024) in Mac Store.
 ===== Reinstall MacOS ===== ===== Reinstall MacOS =====
Line 453: Line 416:
   - Change user and login information on ABCD.   - Change user and login information on ABCD.
   - Go through the Settings (Select the Apple and System Preferences) and adjust as necessary on ABCD.   - Go through the Settings (Select the Apple and System Preferences) and adjust as necessary on ABCD.
 +=====Upgrade old iMac/MacBook=====
 +You want to upgrade your iMac or MacBook but Apple won't let you because the machine is too old.  The guy called Mr. Macintosh may have the answer.  You can find him on YouTube, search for ''Mr Macintosh''.
 +Some videos from him:
 +  * [[|How to Install Ventura on Unsupported Macs Easy OCLP Guide]]\\ "You can Install macOS Ventura on Unsupported Macs from 2008-2016! I'll show you in a step-by-step easy way how to use OpenCore Legacy Patcher to install macOS Ventura on your old Mac & make it new again!"
 +  * [[|MacOS Ventura 13.5.1 Update - What's New?]]
 +  * [[|2012 MacBook Pro with Ventura]]\\ "Now that I've shown you how to install Ventura on a 2012 MacBook Pro, let me talk about how it works and if a 2012 MacBook Pro with Ventura is any good."
 +  * [[|How to create a MacOS Ventura Bootable USB Installer Drive in 4 Simple Steps]]
 +OCLP = Open Core Legacy Patcher
 ===== Terminal goodies ===== ===== Terminal goodies =====
Line 475: Line 449:
 =====Dealing with Archives (zip files)===== =====Dealing with Archives (zip files)=====
 Dealing with large zip files: you have a large multi-GB zip, you want to look inside and maybe unpack it. Dealing with large zip files: you have a large multi-GB zip, you want to look inside and maybe unpack it.
-|Application|See inside zip?|Unpack zip?|Comments|+^Application^See inside zip?^Unpack zip?^Comments^
 |The Unarchiver\\ MacPaw|  No  |  Yes  |Useful. version 4.3.3| |The Unarchiver\\ MacPaw|  No  |  Yes  |Useful. version 4.3.3|
 |Unarchiver One\\ Trend Micro|  Yes  |  unknown  |Slow, but works, be patient| |Unarchiver One\\ Trend Micro|  Yes  |  unknown  |Slow, but works, be patient|
 |Unzip - RAR ZIP 7Z Unarchiver\\ qing qing yu|  claims to  |  unknown  |Does not work, crashes, version 2.2.9| |Unzip - RAR ZIP 7Z Unarchiver\\ qing qing yu|  claims to  |  unknown  |Does not work, crashes, version 2.2.9|
 +=====Working with ISO files=====
 +====Play a DVD .iso image====
 +Leawo Blu-ray Player works.
 +  - Mount the .iso (right-click on .iso file, )
 +  - Run Leawo
 +  - See: Open File and the DVD you've mounted
 +  - Right-click on the DVD you want to play
 +  - Play Disk
 +====Burn an ISO file to Bootable USB====
 +20201216 Success burning Linux Mint 20.1 to USB drive on iMac. 20221022 Success burning Q4OS 4.8 32bit to USB drive on iMac.
 +  - Get your iso, suppose it's in Downloads.
 +  - Insert your USB drive (make sure it's big enough)
 +  - Run Disk Utility, get the device name. 
 +    - Right-click on the USB and Get Info
 +    - you'll see the /dev name there; it might be ''/dev/disk3s1'' or ''dev/disk4s1'' You might see just ''disk3''.
 +  - Run Terminal.  
 +  - ''ls /dev/disk*''
 +  - Find the disk without the s1.  Suppose it's disk3 (so you want ''/dev/disk3'')
 +  - ''sudo  dd  if=Downloads/linuxmint-20.1-cinnamon-64bit-beta.iso  of=/dev/disk3''
 +  - If: "Resource busy" or "Operation not permitted" then eject the drive using the Disk Utility.
 +  - When ''dd'' completes (returns to terminal prompt), ''diskutil eject /dev/disk3'' Unplug the disk after you see "ejected".
 +  * A 2GB iso file took about 40 minutes to complete; the dd command tells records in and out, bytes transferred, and how long it took.  Be patient.
 +  * Note that MacOS may be unable to mount the USB drive when the ''dd'' command completes. This is ok.
 +<hidden initialState="invisible" onVisible="Click to hide prior attempts" onHidden="click to show prior attempts">
 +Prior attempts
 +Digested from [[|link]]
 +[20191213] This did not work for me: I'd downloaded the Win10 ISO and followed instructions to create a boot USB stick.  The USB stick wouldn't boot. However I was able to use [[]] on a Windows machine to create a bootable USB stick.
 +You have an ISO file and you want to make a bootable USB stick from it.  You will need a USB stick larger than the ISO file (e.g., ISO is 6GB, you can use a 8GB or larger USB drive.  When done, the drive is completely full.)
 +  - Run terminal <code>diskutil list</code>
 +  - Find name of the USB stick (e.g., /dev/disk4; we'll use /dev/diskX here)
 +  - <code>diskutil unmount /dev/diskX</code> or if that doesn't work do <code>diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX</code> you should see a message saying unmount was successful.
 +  - Now go to finder and locate the ISO file.  Right-click, and Copy <filename> as Pathname.
 +  - Back to terminal, enter part of command (don't press enter yet)<code>sudo dd bs=1m if=</code> and then paste the pathname of the ISO file to the command and then add of=/dev/rdiskX
 +  - For ISO file in smi's download directory with name silly.iso the command will look something like<code>sudo dd bs=1m if=/Users/smi/Downloads/silly.iso of=/dev/rdiskX</code>
 +  - When it completes, type <code>diskutil eject /dev/diskX</code> see "ejected" message and unplug the USB stick.
 +bs is block size\\ if is input file\\ of is output file
 +Takes about 2 minutes to write a 6GB ISO file to a USB 3.1 drive.
 +20191213 I downloaded a Windows 10 ISO file from 
 +You can find other Windows versions to download, see [[]]
 +====Burn an ISO file to Bootable CD/DVD====
 +From [[]]
 +  - Open Finder window, navigate to your ISO file, single-click to select it
 +  - File > Burn Disk Image
 +  - Insert disk if you haven't already; click Burn
 +//Alternatively you can right-click on the ISO file and Burn Disk Image//
 +(For OS X 10.10 and earlier) From [[|Umass link]]
 +  - Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility
 +  - Insert blank CD/DVD
 +  - Drag the *.iso file from a //Finder// window to the //Disk Utility// window, drop in left pane in the empty area below the Mac drive names.
 +  - Select the .iso file name in the left pane of //Disk Utility//, and click **Burn** (top left).  
 +  - The //Burn Disk In:// window opens and shows your CD/DVD as destination
 +  - Click **Burn**
 +  - When done the disk will eject
 +====Create an ISO file from a DVD====
 +You have a DVD and you want to put it into an ISO file for later use.
 +from [[]]
 +===Creating ISO file Using Terminal===
 +For the DVD, I used /dev/disk2. I verified this with diskutil list and unmounted it first.
 +$ sudo unmount /dev/disk2
 +$ dd if=/dev/disk2 of=mydisk.iso
 +Another user suggests
 +sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk2
 +dd if=/dev/disk2 of=~/myCD.iso bs=2048 conv=sync,notrunc
 +===Creating ISO File Using Disk Utility===
 +Disk Utility - The on-screen prompts will guide you, but it will by default create a .dmg, which is an OS X-specific file format. Disk Utility will also create an ISO (.cdr extension) if you select the "CD/DVD Master" option before creating the image. You can rename the extension (.cdr to .iso) after creation if desired.
 =====MacOS Versions===== =====MacOS Versions=====
Line 502: Line 575:
 |13|Ventura| |13|Ventura|
 |14|Sonoma| |14|Sonoma|
 +=====Inserting Symbols=====
 +You want to insert some symbols into your text that aren't on your keyboard.\\ 
 +(This info extracted from [[|Webnots]])
 +You can also press Control-Command-Spacebar to open the Character Viewer.  Scroll down to find the math and other symbols, like command (⌘) and option (⌥) and a host of others.
 +These symbols can be used with the standard keyboard.  Consult Webnots for what you have to do so you can use other codes that require four digit hexadecimal Unicode points (or use ^⌘spacebar).
 +|<40% 10 35 - >|
 +|≠|Option-=|not equals|
 +|±|Option-shift-=|plus or minus|
 +||Option-shift-k|apple symbol|
 +|≤|Option-<|less or equal|
 +|≥|Option->|greater or equal|
 +|≈|Option-x|approximately equal|
 +|√|Option-v|square root|
 +|÷|Option-/|divided by|
 +|‡|Option-shift-7|double dagger|
os_x_annoyances.1691512390.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023.08.08 09:33 by Steve Isenberg