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This page last changed 2023.11.10 15:27 visits: 3 times today, 7 times yesterday, and 1359 total times

What's Recorded in Files

These are the settings I'm using

The following file types are produced and what is recorded, when recording to the cloud. (I“m not sure what's there if you don't record to the cloud, maybe only the active speaker and screen share view?)

GMT comes from the start of file names, e.g., for file GMT20231108-145003_Recording_avo_1280x720.mp4
this means the recording was done on 11/8/2023 at 14:50 and 3 seconds GMT (Greenwich Mean Time; 9:50am ET or 10:50am EDT), and it's the avo recording.

File type. Recorded when no screen sharedRecorded when screen sharedEffect of One SpotlightedEffect of Two+ Spotlighted
GMT…Recording Active Speaker's camera Shared screen with Active Speaker
small in corner
Shows spotlighted person Shows speaking person
ignores spotlighting
GMT…Recording_as Black screen Shared screen only n/a n/a
GMT…Recording_avo Active Speaker's camera Spotlighted person Shows speaking person
ignores spotlighting
GMT…Recording_gallery Gallery, all attendee cameras Shared screen with Active Speaker
small in corner
spotlighted person Shows speaking person
ignores spotlighting
GMT…Recording_gvo Gallery, all attendee cameras shows all attendee cameras Shows only spotlighted people
GMT…transcript.vtt Transcript of the meeting n/a
GMT…Chat.txt The chat messages from the recording person's point of view (includes private messages) n/a

To verify this do these test cases.

  • Spotlight one without screenshare
  • Spotlight one with screenshare
  • Spotlight two without screenshare
  • Spotlight two with screenshare
  • Spotlight three without screenshare
  • Spotlight three with screenshare

How To Do Your Presentation Using Zoom

These notes are for a presenter.

  1. First, join the zoom meeting, start and aim your camera at your face1) and unmute2)
  2. When you're ready to present your stuff, start your presentation (Powerpoint or whatever) on your computer and from the bottom of the screen select
  3. From the share dialog displayed, find your presentation, and select it.
    • this might be your Desktop or this might be PowerPoint or whatever
  4. In the lower left of the share dialog, put checkmarks in the two buttons
  5. then select the button in lower right to start the sharing.

When you want to stop sharing, click Stop Share

click to show earlier information maybe we should delete

click to show earlier information maybe we should delete

In a bit more detail and with the proverbial Numbered Steps.

How To Do A Presentation Using Zoom In N Easy Steps

  1. Connect to the Zoom meeting.
  2. Start Video.  (Click the camera icon with the red line through it) Make sure your camera is aimed at you the way you'd like it.
  3. Unmute (click the microphone with red line through it).  Say something, if you can't think what to say, say “something”.  Make sure the green on the microphone jumps when you speak.
    • If it doesn't make sure the microphone icon doesn't have a red line through it.
  4. Start your presentation software and get ready to show the slides, move to the first slide. 
    • Maybe you're using PowerPoint, maybe LibreOffice Presentation. Get it to show the first slide in your presentation.
  5. Find the colored icon, it's actually a button, “Share Screen”.  Click it.
  6. Look at all dem choices!  Find the one that shows your presentation's first slide and says “PowerPoint” or “LibreOffice Presentation” or whatever you're using. 
    • You do not want to select a Desktop.  Select the one item in the matrix presented that's labeled with the application – powerpoint or libre office – that you're running.
  7. Now this step is important.  Your life will depend on it so pay close attention.
    • Find the “Share” button in the lower right corner. 
    • Take a deep breath, hold it, and (gasp!) click the Share button.

Assuming you've survived these N=7 steps, you're good to go.Thank you for your attentiveness.

Ending the Presentation You're done and you want to stop showing your presentation. There are two ways to get this to happen.

  • Find the red “Stop Share” and click it.
    • It might be at the top of the screen.
    • It might be covered up by a full-screen window.
  • Or, ask the meeting host to end the share as he/she can end your sharing.

Notes About Presenting

  • If you follow the steps above, those in the meeting will see your face in a small window, next to the slides as you present them in a big window.
  • Many times presenters who have a second monitor will use that to hold the slides or the Zoom Chat window.
In the lower-left, click the ^ to the right of the camera in your lower left to change your video camera.
If the camera has a red line through it, click to camera so the red line goes away, and others can then see you.
In the lower-left, click the microphone if it has a red line through it to unmute.
Click the ^ to the right of the microphone to change the microphone you're using
doing_a_zoom_presentation.txt · Last modified: 2023.11.10 15:27 by Steve Isenberg