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This page last changed 2024.05.03 12:33 visits: 2 times today, 1 time yesterday, and 162 total times since 5/3/2024

Pictures from the the Charles H. Holbrow Memorial Service May 3, 2024

Photos by Steve & Evie Isenberg. This page may appear better if you use a browser other than Firefox like Chrome or Safari.

Charlie was very active in the Lexington Computer and Technology Group, LCTG. This page lists the group's past and future meetings; Charlie's 19 presentations are linked here.1)

Click on a picture to see it enlarged. Please let me (Steve) know if you would like the jpg file of any picture(s).




  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.8, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/1250s, f/3.3, ISO 640</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1000</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 500</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1000</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 640</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 640</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/4.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1000</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/4.2, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/250s, f/3.8, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/400s, f/5.1, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/400s, f/5.1, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/5, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/200s, f/5.7, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/250s, f/6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/200s, f/6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/250s, f/6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/300s, f/5.6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/400s, f/5.6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/400s, f/5.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/250s, f/5.1, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/300s, f/5.1, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/300s, f/5.6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/5.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/3.6, ISO 640</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/5.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/150s, f/5.9, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/3.7, ISO 640</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/5.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/5.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/5, ISO 1000</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/5.3, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/5.3, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/5.4, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/5.4, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/5.6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/150s, f/5.6, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 640</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/4.1, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/4.2, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/3.4, ISO 1000</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/500s, f/4.3, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 1250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/4.1, ISO 1600</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/3.7, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 500</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 320</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 400</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 500</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/600s, f/3.3, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/3.8, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>03/05/2024 - Panasonic DMC-ZS60, 10/800s, f/3.7, ISO 1250</p>

Pictures from the memorial service

63 images

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holbrow_memorial_service.1714764813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.05.03 15:33 by Steve Isenberg