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Reaching Your Gold Anniversary

Here are some important ingredients to follow to keep your relationship going so you can reach your golden anniversary, and beyond

  • Respect each other
  • Use discretion in public.
  • Be honest with each other.
  • Always love and care for each other.
  • Communicate. Don't keep it inside. Talk with each other daily. Solve problems as a couple; don't involve others in your problems, they are yours to solve.
  • Be willing to compromise. Marriage isn't a competition, you are both working towards a common goal of going through life together.
  • Smile at each other.
  • Laugh. Be funny. Make each other laugh.
  • Be responsible for each other and your family.
  • Don't go to bed angry. Talk it out first, come to agreement or compromise, before going to bed.
  • Do things together. Create activities you can do together and with your family.
  • Think of each other often.
  • Show love to each other many times every day.
marriage_tips.1635697486.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 11:33 (external edit)