DateLink to Video(s)Slides/notes
Dec 25, 2019Christmas - no meeting
Your homework is to celebrate the good things in life.
Dec 18, 2019Potpourri John Rudy continues AI in Medicine; Steve Isenberg on Cloud File Storage Options
Dec 11, 2019AI in Medicine MIT Alum Newsletter AI in Medical Care
Dec 4, 2019Tech trends and holiday gift ideas (Peter Albin and Bob Primak) Watch the presentation Slides
Nov 27, 2019Happy Thanksgiving! No meeting.
Nov 20, 2019Dark Web. “The legitimate uses of TOR, which is the software on which the so-called Dark Web runs.
Or, if more interesting, a tour of the Dark Web“ Watch the presentation
Nov 13, 2019Steering committee
Nov 6, 2019Backup Strategies (Peter Albin) Watch the presentationSlides
Oct 30, 2019Space colonies in Solar Orbit
The book describing our design study is available at:
Watch the Presentation
Charlie's handout
Oct 23, 2019 Tesla vs Edison (Bob Primak) Watch the presentation Bob's paper
Oct 16, 2019 Potpourri:
Flying Saucers – from material written by George Adamski;
Deep Fakes video;
Windows 10 tips (, you may need to become a member with voluntary paid membership; Backing up your device drivers; Getting those old games back into Win10, like FreeCell, Hearts, Solitaire, Chess, Minesweeper; discussion on when to and not to update to “the latest” Win10 release (consider: consult which today advises NOT to patch MS patches.) Gary's slides
Oct 9, 2019 Yom Kippur, no meeting
Oct 2, 2019 Science/Technology Rivalries: Newton vs. Liebnitz vs. Hooke (Charlie Holbrow) Watch the presentation (note: video is missing for part of the presentation)handout
Sept 25, 2019 Application of physics techniques to biology. Gene Surfing and Survival of the Luckiest, David Nelson, Professor of Physics, Harvard (friend of Harry Forsdick). Population waves have played a crucial role in evolutionary history, as in the “out of Africa” hypothesis for human ancestry. Population geneticists and physicists are now developing methods for understanding how mutations, number fluctuations and selective advantages play out in such situations watch the presentation
Sept 18, 2019 Cogito. A few weeks ago Mitch Wolfe sent out two very thought provoking links regarding the new science of voice technology, including what can be gathered by voice analysis using AI. We are fortunate to have Ali Azarbayejani, Cogito's CTO, visit and speak with us about the technology used by this local company which makes software that analyzes phone conversations and provides real-time guidance to help service employees better engage and connect with customers. Watch the presentation
Sept 11, 2019 Jonathan Goode discusses many interesting (and amazing) computer details including fonts
Bob Primak on the Laser Scanning of St Pauls Cathedral and an update on the cleanup of Notre Dame Cathedral
Notes on Bob's talk
High lead levels found in Notre Dame WSJ Article, Reconstruction work is on hold due to lead
Sept 4, 2019 AI for People in a Hurry (short) and Setting Rules for the AI Race, plus a pre and post view discussion. Meeting led by Larry Wittig.
Aug 28, 2019 Dava Sobel’s Google talk on “The Glass Universe”, women in Science (a Google Talk video)
JohnR will introduce the subject and speaker, we'll watch the video, and discuss it and related topics afterwards
see also Constructing the Glass Universe by Dava Sobel. Additional info on and about this topic, by Gary Patrick–includes comments on the video and more.
Aug 21, 2019“UNIX, Linux - Origins, History, Ongoing Futures”, a talk presented by Charly Sestokas (note, talk will not be recorded)
plus a 30-minute video about SpaceX, presented by George Gamota
Aug 14, 2019 Potpourri.
Eli Brookner finishes his talk on Radar and Einstein
CharlyS on Storage (not recorded).
How to use LexMedia to view videos on demand
Aug 7, 2019 Eli Brookner "Snoopy on Radar & Phased Arrays & Einstein's Duality Theory – An Update." part 1 (90 min)
July 31, 2019Eight Days to the Moon and Back - focus on Apollo 11 [George Gamota]
July 24, 2019Breaking the WWII Enigma Machine (Material from the April 2019 Lexington Veteran’s meeting, search LexMedia On Demand for “Enigma”) [Rudy]
July 17, 2019Potpourri including Steve Isenberg on virtual credit cards, space elevators, and more (planningpage) recording of presentation
July 10, 2019Apple Computer, History and Devices, by Josh Turiel see the presentation
July 3, 2019No Meeting due to Holiday
June 26, 2019Update on 5G (Bob Primak) 5G Update slides China and 5G notes from CNN see the presentation
June 19, 2019Black Hole 60-minute video (Gamota) plus
June 12, 2019From talks at Google Frank Abagnale: "Catch Me If You Can"
and A new way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere (Jennifer Wilcox)
June 5, 20193D Reconstruction. Used for churches and other buildings. (Bob Primak)
May 29, 2019Potpourri including Y2K. What was it, why did it happen, was it real? (John Rudy) and Gary Patrick on Windows Issues
May 22, 2019Potpourri. Showed several movies. Vaccines calling shots
The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can
The strange tale of the Norden bombsight
May 15, 2019Career stories. Come prepared to tell us about your technical experiences.
(We have done this 2-3 times before; but not recently).
May 8, 2019Ray Kurzweil + Disruptive Technologies and Dangerous Ideas Singularity University co-founder, Google AI Director and noted futurist Ray Kurzweil joined Peter H. Diamandis for a 90-minute Ask Me Anything, all aimed at providing you an unfair advantage for your business.
May 1, 2019Potpourri and Steering Committee
April 24, 2019Documentary on Neil ArmstrongGamota
April 17, 2019History of the World in 100 Objects (continued). We listened to The mechanical galleon, Mexican codex map, Ship's chronometer from HMS Beagle, and Solar powered lamp and chargerBritish Museum site
BBC site
April 10, 2019Madame Curie video about Madame Curie and the Curie family, presented by Charlie Holbrow. Madame Curie and the Curie family will focus on her and her daughter and their characters and discoveries and how they fit into the sequence of dramatic developments in physics between the discovery of radioactivity in 1897 and the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938. This will include some description of Lise Meitner's role in these developments and a brief mention of why she didn't get a Nobel for the discovery of nuclear fission.
For those interested, Amazon has the movie Radioactive about Marie Curie's work (free to Amazon Prime members)
handout that wasn't handed out How the Curies' piezo device worked and measured small electric current
April 3, 2019Showing the 2014 AI movie Ex Machina: A young programmer is selected to participate
in a ground-breaking experiment in synthetic (artificial) intelligence (AI) by evaluating
the human qualities of a highly advanced humanoid. Very intriguing movie.
FYI, the movie is available on NetFlix.
March 27, 2019Computer History Museum (Mountain View, CA) interview with Frank Heart (who in 1969 led the team of BBN engineers that created the ARPANET).
slightly shortened version
March 20, 2019George Gamota shows video "Journey through the Milky Way"
And relating to the end of the program, info on Detecting Dark Matter
New: Milky Way Bulge
March 13, 2019Password Managers
Slides (with links) for the presentation
Will your password stand up to a cracker?
Is your password or account info out on the web?
Newsletter 4/15/2019 discussing password managers
Related info
About Keeper Password Manager
Keeper website screenshots
March 6, 2019History of the World in 100 items. Presenting a representative sample of the 100-part series of 15 podcasts by Neil MacGregor during his time as Director of the British Museum that explores world history from 2 million years ago to the present. We listened to The Flood Tablet, Hebrew Astrolabe, and Ming Bank Note.British Museum site
BBC site
February 27, 2019George Gamota presents "2018 Space Events/Discoveries" plus 10 minute update on "Trump's Science Appointees"Space Update slides
Trump Science Appointees slides
February 20, 2019Charlie presents the first of 3 talks on quantum physics, today's subject is "why wave-particle duality makes such a disturbing theory necessary"Powerpoint slides
Wave Particle outline -- Why we need quantum mechanics
February 13, 2019Windows System Maintenance and Updating (Bob Primak) part 1PDF of Bob's slides
February 6, 2019The Power Grid (presented by Jackie Zajac)PDF of Jackie's slides
January 30, 20192019 lg Nobel awards ceremony (presenter Peter Albin)
Awards Ceremony Improbable Research home
“Research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK”
January 23, 2019Shown:
TED Talk String theory - Brian Greene
The greatest dance sequence ever
The best stats you've ever seen
The tyranny of the rocket equation
Not shown but of possible interest
TED Talk Why is our universe fine-tuned for life? - Brian Greene
10 Fascinating Examples of Unintended Consequences
January 16, 2019Mathematics of Weight Loss
10 Times Michio Kaku Arguments Blew Our Minds
TED Talk The freakonomics of McDonalds vs Drugs by Steve Levitt
January 9, 2019Michael Rosenblatt, MD on "Ways That Wartime Injuries Have Influenced Civilian Medical Practice"link to slides on Yahoo