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Chat Messages during LCTG Meetings

These are a record of the chats that were passed during meetings in 2024. They have been edited to a small extent.
To find chats for a given day, for example January 10, 2024, search for datecode 20240110 (2024, month 01, day 10).


LIDAR Mapping

10:08:12 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	Do you take into account difference in speed of light through air and water (non-cloud moisture in air)?
10:17:14 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	Can the mapping collect real time events, such as seeing people walking or vehicles as they move?
10:18:54 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	What is the price range of the cameras BAE sells?
10:22:23 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	As plane is moving as it’s doing the mapping, and sending laser beans to a given spot on the ground, can the laser angles see under objects?
10:24:02 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	(You just answered the angles question!)
10:27:41 From John Rudy to Everyone:
	can you in any way measure what is under the ground?  like bombs or tunnels
10:30:05 From Larry Wittig to Everyone:
	Can you damage the eyes of observers on the ground?
10:30:09 From Judy & Mike Alexander to Everyone:
	Please comment on eye safety on the ground (where/what you're measuring)
10:32:21 From Dick to Everyone:
	How do you get the "tilt" data? What does it tell you?
10:38:07 From Dick to Everyone:
	What wavelengths do you use?
10:39:57 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	Do you use different laser wavelengths for different conditions?
10:40:32 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	Or maybe do you use multiple wavelengths at the same time (would this improve mapping)?
11:00:35 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	Is the laser/lasers you use be weaponized?  (Ie, see bad guy running through forest and disable him/her)
11:05:46 From John Rudy to Everyone:
	could you find lost hikers in the mountains
11:07:28 From John Rudy to Everyone:
	but they are moving
11:07:51 From Steve Isenberg to Everyone:
	Can the heat of an object be measured, so that maybe a lost hiker on a colder ground could be detected using their body heat



Using files across Windows, Apple, Linux, etc platforms

10:31:24	Barry Kort:	WiFi speeds vary.  2.4 GHz WiFi is slower than 5 GHz WiFi, and both are typically slower than hard-wired Ethernet.
10:32:34	Bob Primak:	From th AX standard onward, MIMO uses multiple channels simultaneaously to increase network throughput. WiFi-6 is even faster.
10:34:30	Barry Kort:	Synology makes a nice local network storage device for your LAN.
10:54:12	Bob Primak:	Actually, nearly all fiber-optic ISPs have symmetrical upstream/downstream bandwidth. Verizon is by no means unique in this regard, for businesses.


2024lctgmeetingchats.1704906823.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.01.10 12:13 by Steve Isenberg