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This page last changed 2024.03.06 10:10 and viewed 3 times today, 2 times yesterday, and 296 total times since it was created.

BlackBoard Usage Tips and Tricks

This info for facilitators. No test answers or grading information here, sorry, these are reminders on actions we as course faculty may need to take during the semester.

Assessments, make answers visible to students

1. Assessments, for the assessment in question, right-click and Edit the Test Options
2. Scroll down to Show test results and feedback to students
3. Set After submission and tick 6 boxes
4. Then Submit

Assessments, letting students take an assessment after due date

1. Assessments, for the assessment in question, right-click and Edit the Test Options
2. Scroll down to DUE DATE
3. Remove the checkmark from Do not allow students to start the Test if the due date has passed
4. Then Submit

View TurnItIn (TII) Data

It used to be easy. Now it's a bit less obvious, as of late 2023+.

  1. Grade Center
  2. Full Grade Center (or pick a group)
  3. Turnitin for assignment 1 (5 or 6)
  4. For a student, any student
  5. Grade User Activity

Grade Center: Release a column for students to view

It's easy to open or release a column in Grade Center for students to view. It's also the same steps to hide the column from view.

  1. Go to Grade Center
  2. Go to column you want to open (or close)
  3. Click on the to open the options
  4. Click on Hide from students (on/off)

Grade Center: Allow retake of quiz or resubmit of assignment

coming soon

blackboardtips.1709748608.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.03.06 13:10 by Steve Isenberg