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CS200 Facilitator Checklist

Things that we as facilitators and/or instructors need to do prior to the start of a course.

  1. Class Discussion
    1. Check FAQ (make sure all content is brought from last semester's running)
      1. Check How will my java programs be graded? and make sure that the general grading criteria is posted.
      2. If it is missing
        1. Here is the file to download to your computer as of Spring 2024 (and earlier): generalgradingcriteriaforjavaprograms.pdf (It used to have an 08 in front of the file name that's been removed.)
        2. Cursor over the post's text, select Edit
        3. Select the file to upload from your computer.
      3. Also make sure that it reads “In assignment 14, you will be asked…” and doesn't say assignments 8, 10, 12, and 14.
    2. Post your introduction thread to Introduce Yourself
    3. Add, or make sure there is, a thread You can reply to this thread to post your intro!
    4. Subscribe to discussion threads
      1. Ask a Facilitator
      2. Ask a Math Question
    5. Subscribe to other discussion threads optionally
      1. Introduce yourself (so you can read others' introductions)
      2. XAMPP, Java and Eclipse (so you will see issues and maybe you can help)
      3. Watercooler (to keep track on student-to-student chats)
  2. Internal Messages
    1. Send your welcome message to each of your groups
  3. Live Classrooms/Office
    1. Ensure each Classroom and Facilitator's link is unique
    2. Add description for each facilitator's office. Consider including:
      1. When you'll hold your live office time or class
      2. How long you'll stay if no one shows
      3. A reminder that you can meet 1:1 at other hours with advance notice
  4. Other make-sures
    1. Disable group discussion board
    2. Disable External Email
  5. Grade Center
    1. Ensure all TurnItIn assignment statistics and percentages are removed from student view, currently this is for assignments 1, 5, and 6
      to do this, do for each of the Turnitins:
      1. Grade Center, go to assignment 1's Turnitin column, right click on a row in the column and Grade User Activity
      2. Upper right, click on the gear for Settings
      3. Click on Optional Settings to expand it
      4. Under Similarity Report, remove any checkmark from Allow students to review similarity Reports
cs200_facilitator_checklist.1713229244.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.04.15 21:00 by Steve Isenberg