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* Hybrid Meetings * Information pertaining to the LCTG's desire to move from a totally on-line (via Zoom) weekly meeting to provide for a hybrid meeting, which would allow people to attend either in-person (at Lexington Community Center, for example) and on-line (Zoom for example).

This is a work in progress and is not complete as of its last change: 2021.12.22 11:30.

The committee formed on 7/14/2021 consists of (in order I added them to my list), thank you for volunteering:

  • Steve Isenberg
  • Rich Moffitt
  • Bob Eckert
  • Peter Albin
  • Harry Forsdick
  • Bob Primak


  • Presentation is in-person
    • Presenter uses their computer to present
    • Presenter's computer is connected to Zoom
    • Presenter's computer is displayed on room's screen
      • This will show presentation, presenter video(maybe), and video of online attendees talking
    • Presentation is available to online attendees via presenter's zoom connection
  • Presentation is online
    • Show zoom meeting on room's screen
  • Attendees are online
  • Attendees are in-person
    • Attendee audio & video (when comment or ask question)

Equipment possibilities

Setup Possibilities

Steve Isenberg I've used a computer connected to a zoom meeting with two webcams and Manycam software. I would turn the cameras as needed during the presentation (to point towards person speaking) and switch cameras live (from presenter to speaking person) using the Manycam software. This provided a solution, but was manually intensive.

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hybrid_meetings.1626293419.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 14:30 (external edit)