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Click to show Jan-June 2023 past meetings

Click to hide Jan-June 2023 past meetings

DateTopic and linksAttaches#
Jan 4, 2023Walter Lewin – For The Love of Physics (Video, ca. 1 hour.) link to video23
Jan 11, 2023WOW STEM (A World of Women+ in STEM)
Cindy Bares & Lauren Szurek, WOW STEM is an outreach initiative founded by a group of Harvard grad students in physics, relating to the contributions that women and gender minorities have made to STEM fields historically and currently. World of Women in STEM website
watch the presentation chat messages22+18
Jan 18, 2023Ukraine Update: George Gamota presents recent information about the history and the situation in the presentation
Jan 25, 2023 Einstein Rings: Gravitational lensing occurs when enormous masses like galaxies or clusters of galaxies warp and deflect light coming from behind them. Finite sized sources are stretched arcs. When the source and deflector are nearly aligned, the arc almost closes on itself – an Einstein Ring. The Sun's deflection of starlight is a small scale example of what becomes large scale when galaxies and clusters of galaxies are the deflecting matter. Presented by Paul L. Schechter, an MIT emeritus professor of the presentation
slides chat messages
Feb 1, 2023Crypto Crashes and Crypto Culture (Bob Primak)
slides from previous presentations on related topics: Crypto & Validated Transactions . Flash Boys High Frequency Trading . NFT Crypto Metaverse
watch the presentation
slides chat messages
Feb 8, 2023George Gamota - Space Update. James Webb results could affect this messages25+7
Feb 15, 2023Machine Learning Applications (Henry Morris)
Machine learning, a key technology of artificial intelligence, is being applied to a wide range of decisions across many industries and disciplines. This talk defines machine learning and then presents examples of its application to drive predictions in fields such as medicine, fashion, law, real estate, and human resources (employee hiring). The adoption of these applications is changing the workplace while also raising concerns of bias and fairness. Henry Morris, co-author of Augmented Intelligence: The Business Power of Human-Machine Collaboration, addressed these points in his presentation.
Henry worked 35 years in high tech, most recently as SVP at IDC (International Data Corporation), the global tech market research company. Henry enjoys writing and teaching about analytics and AI, emphasizing the need for ethical governance and control of intelligent systems. He's taught at BOLLI (“Augmented Intelligence in the Workplace: Are Humans Redundant or Essential?”) and Tufts (“AI and the Changing Workplace”), and received a Bachelors from University of Michigan and a Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania.
SVP=Senior Vice President; AI=Artificial Intelligence; BOLLI=Brandeis Adult Learning
chat messages 30+7
Feb 22, 2023Scientific misconduct – Jerry Slatewatch the presentation 27+?
March 1, 2023LCTG Planning Meeting (all welcome)
Meeting Guidelines
chat messages18
March 8, 2023Quantum Entanglement. Martin Zwierlein on quantum entanglement, the topic of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded to John Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science.”
As a simple example of quantum entanglement, Martin presented a quantum version of two coupled pendula, which he realized with trapped atom pairs in his lab [1]
Martin Zwierlein is Thomas A. Frank Professor of Physics at MIT. He studies strongly interacting Fermi gases of atoms and molecules. These gases host novel states of matter and serve as pristine model systems for other Fermi systems such as neutron stars or high-temperature superconductors.
[1] A popular article on this work can be found in the Physics@MIT journal here:
watch the presentation chat messages30+3
March 15, 2023Margaret Geller - speaking on James Webb Space Telescope Observations of the Early Universe
Margaret is an astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) at Harvard. She has made pioneering maps with a large-scale structure of the universe. Her work “Slice of the Universe” was the basis for the Jasper Johns’ painting called “Slice”. She developed innovative techniques for investigating the structure and masses of clusters of galaxies and their relationships. She received her PhD from Princeton and was awarded the MacArthur fellowship in 1990.
Meeting was not recorded at presenter's request. 27
March 22, 2023We watched several videos:
How Electron Spin Makes Matter Possible
Electrons do NOT spin
Quantum Computing Expert explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty
100 Prisoners Puzzle - Solved and explained well
World's First Automatic Strike Bowling Ball
March 29, 2023Tornados: using mobile radars to study tornadoes and snowstorms (Howard Bluestein, prof meteorology UofOklahoma)watch the presentation chat messages 27+5
April 5, 2023Scott Kenyon - “A JWST View of Star Formation” (The James Webb Space Telescope(JWST) Observations of Star-forming Regions, Disks, Rings, and Planets)chat messages 24+7
April 12, 2023Potpourri
* Mark Rober on Zipline in Rwanda
* ChatGPT (Peter)
* Nuclear power update(David Kahan)
* Meshnet (Drew)
chat messages31
April 19, 2023 MIT Prof Nancy Kanwisher talk on The Brain chat messages26+8
April 26, 2023Millie Dresselhaus and Carbon Science.
Maia Weinstock spoke about Millie's contributions and discoveries in carbon science (graphene, carbon nano-tubes, fullerenes, etc) and her efforts to get MIT and the American scientific community to improve conditions for and be more welcoming to women faculty, staff, and students. Maia Weinstock is Deputy Editorial Director at MIT News. She is a science writer and author of the recently published book Carbon Queen: The Remarkable Life of Nanoscience Pioneer Mildred Dresselhaus
watch the presentation29+10
May 3, 2023Charlie Holbrow talks about Archimedes and his principle. Three parts:
1. King Hiero, cheating goldsmith, Archimedes running naked through the streets of Syracuse shouting Eureka
2. When a barge full of scrap iron sinks in a canal lock, does the water in the lock rise or fall?
3. When the dirigible Hindenberg burned disastrously in Lakehurst, NJ in 1937, how much hydrogen burned and how much energy was released?
watch the presentation chat messages 32
May 10, 2023Joseph Henry, America's Most Prominent Physicist after Benjamin Franklin. (presented by Prof. Michael Littman of Princeton University)
Joseph Henry (1797-1878) was Professor of Natural Philosophy at Princeton. His interests focused on electromagnetism. A contemporary of Michael Faraday, he discovered self-induction in current-carrying coils. The unit of induction — the Henry — is named in his honor. He pioneered the creation of high magnetic fields, electric motors, and the telegraph. He became Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution when it was formed in 1846.
watch the presentation 21+10
May 17, 2023The New Nova on Notre Dame airing 12/14/2022; video and recent events chat messages23
May 24, 2023Geothermal (Paul Woskov) Paul has researched and developed a technology using high frequency electromagnetic waves called “millimeter waves” produced by a high-powered vacuum tube called a gyrotron, that's also used to conduct nuclear fusion experiments, to drill to depths 10km into the earth and use the abundant heat there to generate electricity. Paul will discuss his research and how this fantastic drill works.
Here's an article on MMW drilling into hot dry rock for those who want read up a bit ahead of time.
watch the presentation chat messages 21+9
May 31, 2023 We showed two videos: Is Time Real? by the scientific skeptic, Sabine Hossenfelder, and What Actually Are Space and Time? (Do they even exist?) 21
June 7, 2023Potpourri 21
June 14, 2023Windows 11 update by Drew King slideschat messages28
June 21, 20232022 Nobel prizes in physiology or medicine, and chemistrychat messages
June 28, 2023Planning meetingchat messages
DateTopic and linksAttaches#
July 12, 2023Looking at a black hole and how you can see it
Showing: What is a black hole? (17m)
Jet and Shadow Revealed (6m)
M87 Galaxy Updates (12m)
Mapping the Milky Way in Neutrino Light (6m)
chat messages 15
July 19, 2023Latest Apple Computer Technologies (Josh Turiel) watch the presentation chat messages23
July 26, 2023Nuclear fusion update presented by TedK watch the presentation chat messages24+10
Aug 2, 2023We watched and discussed "ChatGPT and the Talking Dog" (59m) chat messages 31+8
Aug 9, 2023Drew King on various utilities
* Windows Power Toys and Github
* Continuous file synchronization across systems
* Map drives to cloud storage
chat messages 35+6
Aug 16, 2023Ted K on Archeology/exploration (LIDAR) chat messages 33
Aug 23, 2023* ChatGPT Crash Course (34m)
* The Success Paradox (12m)
* The Science of Thinking (12m)
* Why Boredom is Good For You (7m)
chat messages 29+6
Aug 30, 2023About excerpts from book: 2001 A Space Odyssey and its – and other – Science Fiction predictions (Barry Kort)chat messages 25+6
Sept 6, 2023Planning meetingchat messages19
Sept 13, 2023Battery technology, battery development, and grid power storage (Ted K)
videos scheduled to be shown
How Batteries Work (19m) Massive Storage (7.5m) Renewable Energy Storage (19m)
not shown: The Battery Inside Out (48m)
chat messages 25+8
Sept 20, 2023* Modulus Arithmetic (or, screwing up your perception of addition) (CharlieH) slides watch the presentation chat messages 23+5
Sept 27, 2023RSV and Covid Update (Jerry Slate) slideswatch the presentation 27+6
Oct 4, 2023Federal Government Efforts to meet American Housing Needs. Presented by David Stanley, retired CEO of Payless Cashways, Columbia Law School graduate and practitioner of law and finance in Minneapolis. He lives on a ranch in Montana and served on the Congressional Millennial Housing Commission in the year 2000. slides
Oct 6, 2023 article on scaling up the HDIP, the Housing Development Incentive Program
watch the presentation 19+8
Oct 11, 2023Update of what's happening in eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, and technology. (George Gamota) slides 26+5
Oct 18, 2023Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 1 slides Details watch the presentation chat messages 47+13
Oct 25, 2023Conor O'Mahony on Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and its use in ChatGPT, part 2, just how smart is ChatGPT? slides Details [presentation coming] chat messages43+10
lctg2023.1698262732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023.10.25 12:38 by Steve Isenberg