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Chat Messages during LCTG Meetings

These are a record of the chats that were passed during these meetings. They have been edited to a small extent.


10:29:58 From tedpk to Everyone:
	Will Douglas Heaven
	Senior Editor for AI
	MIT Technology Review
	Will Douglas Heaven is the senior editor for AI at MIT Technology Review, where he covers emerging trends and the people behind the tech. Previously, he was founding editor at the BBC tech-meets-geopolitics website Future Now and chief technology editor at New Scientist magazine. He has a PhD in computer science from Imperial College London and knows what it's like to work with robots.
10:33:53 From tedpk to Everyone:
	Making Robots Smarter, in Both Mind and Making Robots Smarter, in Both Mind and Body
	There is a symbiosis between robotics and AI where robotics allows AI to explore and experiment in tangible ways, providing an invaluable feedback loop that improves both technologies. We take an inside look at the commercial applications as well as R&D that can lead to new capabilities for robotics and AI.
	Marc Raibert
	Founder & Executive Director, Boston Dynamics AI InstituteBody
	There is a symbiosis between robotics and AI where robotics allows AI to explore and experiment in tangible ways, providing an invaluable feedback loop that improves both technologies. We take an inside look at the commercial applications as well as R&D that can lead to new capabilities for robotics and AI.
	Marc Raibert
	  Founder & Executive Director, Boston Dynamics AI Institute


11:05:54 From Steve Isenberg To Everyone:
	First idea for Space Elevator comes from 1895 by Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
11:14:08 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	Part of the problem with troubleshooting errors made by AI bots (Peter A.) is that the AI "learning" process is not transparent -- it's like a "black box". Users don't get clues about how the triggers were tripped. (This is itself a safeguard against end-users learning how to "game" the AI.)
11:21:01 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	Regarding Scientology, it is said that L. Ron Hubbard started the religion of Scientology as a joke.


09:55:04 From Drew King To Everyone:
09:55:29 From Barry Kort To Everyone:
10:46:32 From Karin Y To Everyone:
	I beleive that the free Chat isn't trained on current information.
10:46:49 From Adam Broun To Everyone:
	Reacted to "I beleive that the f..." with šŸ‘
10:48:05 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	Chat GPT only runs through 2021.
10:50:13 From Adam Broun To Everyone:
	Pretty good article published today that talks about how ChatGPT evolved to its current state
10:50:39 From Judy & Mike Alexander To Everyone:
	The original question is flawed because it asked a binary question.   If two people contributed, the answer could not attribute percentages of contributions.
10:53:15 From Drew King To Everyone:
	bing chat is based on chat gpt 4 and also uses bing to provide current information. There is an app too. You need to sign up for free. I use both for different purposes. I have accounts on all three big chat engines Google Bard microsoft Bing chat and chat gpt. it's very interesting using the very same text . To look at the different answers.
10:53:51 From Judy & Mike Alexander To Everyone:
	A cynical former boss of mine once told me that it's mor important to be lucky than to be good.
10:57:36 From Drew King To Everyone:
	Here is realtext file sent to you via chat.
	You can add files from Google Drive, or your PC.
11:33:15 From Steve Isenberg To Everyone:
	For info on LastPass and KeePass (my preference) and why to use complex passwords, see
11:33:55 From Barry Kort To Everyone:
	When Iā€™m asleep in bed, I have very imaginative and creative dreams.


10:15:30 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	The modeling tools include creating a "point-cloud". I once did a talk about how this was done with Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris before the fire.
10:35:46 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	Ted's video has frozen, visually.
10:55:48 From tedpk To Everyone:
10:56:21 From tedpk To Everyone:
11:00:17 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	Peru's Amazon region has also been studied. A lot of new sites have been identified there and in Brazil.
11:02:12 From John Rudy To Everyone:
	there are many thousand unexploded bombs in Vietnam and the mid-east.  Can LIDAR pick up these bombs, at least those that are made of metal?
11:07:54 From Barry Kort To Everyone:
	That was Hank Green on the Sci Show.
11:08:32 From Barry Kort To Everyone:
	Hank and his brother, John Green are known as the VlogBrothers.
11:09:19 From tedpk To Everyone:
11:09:52 From Barry Kort To Everyone:
	Hank Green hosted a number of educational series on PBS Digital.
11:11:50 From tedpk To Everyone:
11:26:55 From Jerome Slate To Everyone:
	Were I in the military, I would want a quick-strike lidar capability to map any conflict area quickly. Thoughts?
11:28:00 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	LiDAR is used by militaries and armed forces for a broad range of defense applications, such as battlefield mapping, determining line of sight, aiding in mine countermeasures and the autonomous navigation of military vehicles.,Target%20Tracking%20%26%20Detection
11:32:45 From Bob Primak To Everyone:
	Pompeii Still Has Buried Secrets [[]]
2023lctgmeetingchats.1694384669.txt.gz Ā· Last modified: 2023.09.10 15:24 by Steve Isenberg