Table of Contents
This page last changed 2024.03.20 12:19 visits: 11 times today, 32 times yesterday, and 14842 total times
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- All-inclusive manual under Latest Support Notes. There are many manuals there, including: new feature guide, instruction manual for Resolve and Fusion, Fuse plugin guide, and more.
DaVinci Resolve - Notes
Resolve is used for video editing. (MacBook shortcuts)
Timesaving Keystrokes
These are keyed to Apple machines. For Windows, replace ⌘ with Control and ⌥ with Alt.
Select All | ⌘a |
Deselect all | ⇧⌘a |
Select clips forward on this track starting with the cursor | y |
Select clips forward on all tracks starting with the cursor | ⌥y |
Cut (remove a clip) | ⌘x or Delete |
Ripple cut | ⇧⌘x or ⇧Delete |
Razor (split into two) | ⌘b |
Split Clips | ⌘\ |
Join Clips: put cursor over clip and select clip(s) in timeline to join. This keystroke will join the selected clips under the cursor with prior clips | ⌥\ |
Nudge clip left/right | , / . |
Go to previous clip or edit | Arrow-Up |
Go to next clip or edit. | Arrow-Down |
Snapping on/off | N |
Enable/Disable Clip | D |
Add Marker | M |
Add/modify Marker | ⌘M |
Modify Marker | ⇧M |
Delete Marker | ⌥M |
Go to next marker | ⇧Arrow-Down (shift arrow-down) |
Go to previous marker | ⇧Arrow-Up |
Play reverse | J |
Fast play reverse | ⇧J |
Stop play | K |
Play forward | L |
Fast play forward | ⇧L |
Slow play | select direction using J/L, then Shift-K repeat Shift-K for slower. |
Zoom in/out timeline | ⌥mouse scroll ball or ⌥two-finger up/down or ⌘= / ⌘- |
Go to First frame of clip under cursor | ; |
Go to Last frame of clip under cursor | ' |
Go to timeline start | Fn left arrow, or Home |
Go to timeline end | Fn right arrow, or End |
Undo | ⌘Z |
Redo | ⌘⇧Z |
Editing notes
Multiple cameras
In Media Storage, under Master, create a bin for each camera.
Then find clips on top and copy them below, into the appropriate bin
Edit with Two Monitors
in Workspace:
- Dual Screen > On (see that it is checked)
- Primary Display (will hold: Timeline Viewer (video at cursor), Timeline, and Inspector) - this is where you do most of the editing
- Secondary Display (will hold: Items in the bin, Effects.)
- Single Viewer Mode (else will see two screens above timeline)
Primary display, turn on:
- Inspector
Secondary display, turn on:
- Index (and in it, Markers)
- Effects
1440x1080 to 1920x1080
You want the narrow image to fill the frame.
- Import clips as usual. discover people very thin
- Either Select all clips, or select a clip in the media pool
- Right click on it, and from the dropdown choose Clip Attributes…
- Video tab
- For Pixel Aspect Ratio, select “1.3x Anamorphic” from the dropdown
- OK
Sorting clips in Media Manager
Note that selecting a bin and doing Sort By, sorts the bins and not the clips in the bin. To sort the clips in a bin:
- Select the bin
- Use the icon on top to display by list
- Click on Clip Name heading and see them sort
- Use the icon on top to display by icons
Renaming clips
Useful to help when setting up your B-rolls.
Enable “list display” in the media pool, right click the bar and select the “Display Clip Names” option. In that field, you can change the name of the clip.
Technically, the Clip File name is not really changed, but the displayed clip name is changed. I think this is a safe idea – it's very risky to change actual file names.
Use just one of the two stereo channels
Suppose channel 1 has loud hum (happened 20190710). How to split L&R to two channels and mute the noisy channel 1.
- Right click each source file in Media Pool
- From dropdown select Clip Attributes…
- Audio tab
- Format: Mono, Tracks: 2, Add
- See: Stereo with Channel 1 & 2, Mono with Channel 1, Mono with Channel 2. This is good.
- Pull each source file to the timeline. See:three audio channels.
- Mute (press M till highlighted and S till it's not) the Stereo and noisy channel 1.
- Done
Copy - Paste part of timeline to elsewhere
You want to extract a section of a timeline to someplace. Maybe you want to duplicate it in the timeline or maybe you want to pull extracts from a large production to another timeline in the project.
I did this 20190912 for 2 Bits and a Byte, they wanted a short extract of a long video. Timeline 1 holds the >60 minute video, I pulled sections of it, a minute here and 2 minutes there, to another timeline I created.
- In the source timeline, find start of section to copy, type i (mark the in-point)
- In the source timeline, find the end of the section to copy, type o (mark the out-point)
- Put cursor inside the selected area and ⌘C
- Go to new place you want it (the other timeline or elsewhere in current timeline) and ⌘V
- To duplicate the timeline: Edit > Duplicate Timeline
- To rename timeline: click on its name in Media Pool, and rename it
- To change to another timeline: Above the viewing window, open dropdown by current timeline, will show you the others to select
Rename a Timeline
You have one or more timelines and you want to rename one or more of them.
Select Media view. See: list of media including timelines. Click on name of timeline and you can edit/change it.
Adjusting volume
You want to adjust the volume of an entire track or a portion of it (to lower volume of a loud speaker or noise or raise volume of a speaker too far from the microphone)
Here's how to fix this; make sure the audio waveforms are visible.
- Using the Blade Edit Tool (B - looks like razor blade), cut the track just before and just after the section needing sound adjustment
- Return to the Selection Mode (A) tool
- Move the horizontal volume white bar up or down over the target passage as needed to increase or decrease the volume
Other volume adjustment notes.
- Change volume for whole track.
- Move the horizontal volume white bar up or down as needed to increase or decrease the volume of the entire track
- Change volume for part of a track.
- Using selection tool (A) put cursor to left of area needing volume adjustment
- Use the zoom function, Alt(Option)-mouse scroll, to zoom in or out on the timeline
- Put two dots to the left of the area needing adjustment by: put cursor over horizontal white line and press Alt(Option)
- Repeat with two dots to the right of the area needing adjustment
- Then using Selection tool, drag the horizontal white bar up or down to adjust volume
(You can see that I prefer the previous 3-step method!)
Dynamic Zoom
You want to add a visual effect, either to zoom in or out or pan an existing clip.
- Select the clip. (You might cut its start and end (use Blade tool) so you have the range of video you want to zoom on isolated into a single clip.)
- In Inspector, turn on Dynamic Zoom, and Linear
- In preview window in lower left, select from the dropdown Dynamic Zoom
- Green box is beginning, Red box is end, of the zoom.
How to see X-Y parameters of the green and red boxes
Shrink and move a clip to a corner
Working with clips from a Zoom meeting. I want to start the meeting with just the video of the speaker, and then at one point dynamically shrink the image of the speaker and move it into a corner of the screen.
Here's how to do this.
- Place the speaker track above the slide track.
- Adjust the size of the slide track if necessary (to do this: mute the speaker video track, zoom and/or move the slide track, unmute.)
- Click on the track to select it.
- Find the spot where you want to start and end the transition. Maybe you start at 3:03 and end at 3:08. Cut the speaker track at these times. This we'll call the 5-second clip.
- Select the 5 second clip.
- Open the Inspector panel.
- In the Inspector panel, locate the
section. - In the Transform section, click the small diamond-shaped icons next to the attributes you want to change (e.g., zoom, X/Y position). The diamond will turn red.
- Move the playhead to the start of the 5-second clip. Pause; see the small diamond-shaped icon changes to show you that Resolve has remembered the start values.
- Move the playhead to the end or just before the end of the 5-second clip.
- Adjust the parameters you want to change (e.g., zoom, X/Y) until it's at the ending spot.
- Try it out.
You can further refine the animation by adjusting the keyframe interpolation curves. Click on the keyframe diamonds on the timeline, and the Keyframe Editor
will appear on the bottom. You can use this panel to adjust the animation curve for smoother or more abrupt transitions.
This information was originally obtained from ChatGPT.
Media Offline! Fixing
You're re-editing a project and some or all of the media reports “Media Offline”. Here's how I fixed it once.
- Go to timeline
- See or select Media Pool in upper left
- In media pool, right click on a clip (e.g., 00000.mts) that shows Media Offline
- Towards the bottom of the context menu, select “Relink selected clips”
- In the dialog that appears, navigate to the clip you want
If the clip (e.g., 00000.MTS) is inside a directory and you don't see it and can't select it, just select the containing directory.
It has worked when you see the contents of a video or the waveform of the audio in the Media Pool.
(After I edit a project I move the project files to another storage medium. If I need to re-edit the video, I move them back, where this comes into play.)
Track and Blur an Object
In brief
- set up a track (cut left and right on timeline) that has what you want to blur
- select the track and go to Color tab (to left of musical notes)
- once there, alt-S to create a boxie
- select the boxie
- draw the window around the object using square or whatever
- adjust the square
- track right and track left
- Open FX, drag Box Blur to the boxie
Save a Frame as an Image -- Export Frame
- Select clip in timeline
- Go to the Color tab
- In video preview, move the time marker to the frame you'd like to save
- Right-click on the video preview, and select Grab Still
- On the left in the Gallery, right-click on the still and select Export
- Find the place on your computer to save it and name it
- Change file type to JPEG or whatever, and hit Export to save the frame as an image
Captioning your Movie
First, you need a caption file that Resolve can read. If you use Zoom you may have a VTT or caption file. For Resolve you need a SRT file. Two ways to get this SRT file. (You can also manually enter the captions but I'm not discussing that here.)
Prepare the caption file
- Copy the .vtt file to new file with an .srt extension
- Edit the new .srt file
- Delete the first two lines: the WEBVTT file and the blank line beneath it
- For each timestamp, replace the period with a comma.
- From: 00:00:03.090 (from VTT)
- To: 00:00:03,090 (in SRT)
- Optionally, you can removed the names from the captions (so the caption is “hello world” instead of “John Smith: hello world”)
Preparing the file using vim:
- fix dot to comma:
- remove names from captions:
:g/[A-Za-z].*:/s/^.*: ⁄⁄
There may be programs that do this conversion but that's not what I'm using.
Adding the captions to your movie
- In Resolve, Timeline Edit
- File > Import file > Import Subtitle, select the .srt file.
- In timeline, above Video 1, right-click and add subtitle track.
- It becomes a third track area, above audio and video track areas.
- Move the timeline cursor to the place where the first caption should go (if captions start at 00:00:03,090, then move cursor to approximately there)
- Copy the srt file to this track to align with this cursor (at approximately 00:00:03,090).
- On the caption track, choose the eyeball to make captions visible.
- Then select the caption track, and go to inspector. I have found these to be useful, but play around till you're happy:
- Open Sans size 35 line spacing -10 Left alignment
- Transform position x=808 y=32, anchor bottom and centered
- Drop Shadow: x offset 4, y offset -4
Rendering with Captions Showing
- Use Custom (you can not export to YouTube directly)
- Video
- Open Subtitle Settings
- Export Subtitle
- Format “Burn into video”
Render just part of your timeline
Suppose you want to render just a part of your timeline (to a MP4 or to YouTube for example), rather than the whole timeline. I'll do this when I have a meeting with several totally different topics and I want to save each topic as its own YouTube video.
- Create your video with the multiple separate parts.
- Deliver tab
- Just above timeline, see
Entire Timeline
, drop it down and selectIn/Out Range
- Move cursor to start of desired output, right click and select
Mark In
- Move cursor to end of desired output, right click and select
Mark Out
- Set up rest of parameters for your export, eg, YouTube, file name, etc, as usual.
- Add to Render Queue
That's all to it.
To undo the In/Out, select a spot on the timeline and select Entire Timeline
As of 3/15/2024, during my first attempt, it appears that you can in/out one part of your timeline, set it to be rendered; then in/out another part and set it to be rendered; and then render both. Thus one timeline can produce two or more rendered files. Nice.
Other Notes
Improving your interaction with Resolve.
- Performance mode. Preferences, User settings, playback settings.
- Set Performance Mode=Automatic
- set Hide UI Overlays
- set Minimize interface updates during playback.
- Speed up playback during editing.
Look in upper corner when playing, see frames/second (e.g., 29.97) and green or red dot. Red dot means your computer can't keep up with the playback. The following will likely help.- Playback > Proxy Playback. Set to half or quarter.
- This speeds up playback.
- Image may appear a bit blurry, but the playback won't jump.
- Does not affect final output of your project.
Archiving/offloading projects to preserve disk space
You have (finally!) finished working on a project and you want to put it away some place so it won't take up space on your prime drive and also so that you can pull it back intro Resolve to work on it some more, if that's ever needed.
From (with some mods by smi)
When you initially open Resolve, you’ll see a project window called the Project Manager. Here, you can load an existing project, or you can create a new project from scratch. However, you may notice that you don’t get to choose where the project file will be stored. Even when saving your project through the “Save Copy As” function, you still don’t get to choose the location — only the name. This is because Resolve operates within an industry-standard database system. Any item that isn’t a media file will be stored in the database. Admittedly, if you haven’t worked with a system like this, it can seem daunting at first. A quick Google search for “DaVinci Resolve save location” will bring up hundreds of frantic search queries from worried users.
In hindsight, I can say it makes a lot of sense. All projects are stored in the same place on your system drive, but if you need to back up, transfer, or import a project, you do so within Resolve and not in explorer or finder as you would with Premiere. In fact, renaming or moving projects outside of Resolve can result in a project becoming corrupted. It’s a big no-no.
Let’s have a look at how you execute these tasks.
Archive everything about a project
- In your Project Manager, right-click on the project and select Export Project Archive…
- Select the place where you want to store the archive and verify the Save As archive name
The .dra directory is created and it is the archive of your project. At this point you can Delete the project from Resolve and Send the original media files to Trash.
This will copy all of the media in your project to the destination folder. Rest assured: the original media will remain untouched in its original location. It’s important to note that if you’re using hundreds of gigabytes of media, not only is the process going to take a while, you’re also going to have to make sure the new drive has enough available space.
Note also that this does not copy the mp3 file and the output file (mp4 or mov) and you'll have to do this yourself.
Restore everything about a project
With your project fully archived, you need to restore it to use in Resolve.
- Back in the project window, right-click anywhere, and hit “restore.”
- Navigate to the archived project folder, and select open.
Resolve will then import the project, bins, and media exactly as you left them prior to archiving.
A 2-minute video on this topic:
Import and Export
Import and Export are very different from Archive and Restore – Import/Export only deals with the project files (timelines, bins, settings), everything but the media.
Findings and Process 17oct2020
I have been using one project for many programs. So what I am doing now is:
- Projects > right click on the project > Export Project.
- This exports the .drp file that holds project information, no media.
- Export project twice: once with and and once without Stills and LUTs.
- Add date to the file, eg:
WWII Interviews 20201017 Stills LUTs
- I am storing these in directory
Resolve Project Backups - DRPs
on my D24 disk
- Copy the source directory (e.g.,
20200823 WWII John Doe
that holds the raw video and photos) for each recording (program or timeline) to directory on backup disk (me:Resolve Video Backups
on D24 disk)
Draw Text Onto Video
Added 20201101: You want text not just to appear, but to stoke itself on. Writing your text onto the video.
- Timeline, Media Pool, Create new fusion composition. Name it, drag it to timeline where you want it.
- Select it, go to Fusion tab
- Hide Keyframes
- Add a text thing (see: T+)
- Give it text, pick font.
- Connect it to MediaOut
- Select the text, Command-Shift-Space, MaskPaint
- On MaskPaint Inspector, Tools (next to Controls), Invert (so you can see the text)
- MaskPaint, Controls
- Brush controls: Adjust the size of the circle so it will cover the strokes in the text, softness to zero
- Stroke Controls: set Stroke Animation to Write On
- Go to frame zero
- Then click and drag the mouse to cover the text left to right
- Back to Mask Control and uncheck Invert
- Bring back Keyframes
- Select all of the white marks, they turn yellow
- Right-click and choose Time Stretching
- Shrink them till they use the time you want,eg 1 or 2 seconds
- Right-click and disable Time Stretching
There may be more details I didn't include and maybe a few more steps but it should be easier with the above.
From and with great thanks to
Combine MTS files to MP4
In Any Video Converter Ultimate…
- Select Convert Videos
- In Finder, go to the directory private
- See: AVCHD, right click on it and Show Package Contents
- See: BDMV, right click on it and Show Package Contents
- See: a bunch of MTS files like 00000.MTS, 00001.MTS
- Select all of these (shift click)
- Copy these to Any Video Converter
- Make sure they are in the right order, 00000, 00001, 00002, etc
- Choose the output format, I use: HD MP4 Video (X264, Auto size up to 1920×1080, AAC, Stereo, 44100 Hz
- Put checkmark in the box Merge All Files
- Specify file name
- Select output folder (e.g., Any Video Converter)
- Convert Now
Cleaning Up After
April 2020: I found 114GB of space used in the CacheClip directory. If Resolve is not running, then you can delete this directory and regain the space. Movies>CacheClip
This decision is supported by
Change Speed of Clip or a Portion of Clip
You want to speed up or slow down a clip or parts of a clip on the timeline. This from
- Select the clip
- Right-click and Retime Controls
- Put cursor where you want to start speed faster/slower or if you want to change it for the whole clip
- Click on the 100% dropdown
- To effect change for whole clip, use Change Speed and select.
- To effect change from this point forward, Add Speed Point, and change Speed for the new subclip created
- There's more that you can do:
- add freeze at the cursor
- duplicate the subclip played in reverse at specified speed
There are other ways to do this (using right-click and Change Clip Duration, Change Clip Speed, Retime Curve)
Take Still Pic from Clip and Use in Timeline
You want to take a still from the video in the timeline and use it. You might want to use the still
- To replace an accidental change of face during a zoom recording like when someone makes a noise and grabs focus.
- Elsewhere in the video
- As a promo for your video
- As the image used on YouTube
The process in short is:
- Find the image you want to grab
- Move cursor to the spot with the image you want to grab
- Grab it
- Go to Colors tab
- Adjust the choice using the slider
- Right-click on image, Grab Still. See it appear in the area on the left.
- Save it to disk
- Right-click on image that's on the left
- Export. (Not sure whether with or without LUT)
- Change name and File Type (I use PNG)
- Navigate to the directory holding your project files
- Export
- Insert it in timeline
- Go to Bin
- Refresh files in the directory (click away and back) to see the PNG you just saved
- Copy this PNG into the Bin you're using
- Go to Timeline
- Select your Bin, Media Pool, drag the PNG into the timeline
Record Voice-Over Video
How to record your voice live over your video. You do this in Fairlight. These are approximate steps, I'm still working on doing this.
- Add Audio. Click on “No Input” and link your microphone to the audio.
- Then move cursor to the spot.
- Click on the dot to record. Click on the R for your microphone, and talk.
- In the Fairlight page, create a new audio track in mono track.
- Patch the microphone to the new audio track in the Mixer panel.
- If you can’t see the track, hover your mouse on the left side of the panel to expose all the channels. Click the Input box > Input > 1. Microphone > Patch, and close the Patch Input window.
- Arm the track by enabling the “R” icon.
- Click Record on the transport.
Fonts of Interest
- Comic Sans
- Hannotate SC
- Noteworthy
- Skia
- Tamil MN
- LiSong Pro
Application Problems
Cannot move or resize Resolve window
While the program works, it's stuck in one place on one of your screens, it cannot be resized or moved. Frustrating if you want to make the window bigger or smaller. For me it was stuck on one monitor the lower left.
Solution: In the Resolve Workspace menu, toggle off Full Screen Window
Meanings of keys
Command ⌘
Shift ⇧
Option ⌥
Control ⌃
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