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This page last changed 2024.09.09 08:23 [1 time today, 2 times yesterday, and 415 total times]

Tips and Things Of Note Regarding Amazon

Leaving Reviews

Compensation for creating, editing, or removing a review

If someone offers you compensation to create, edit, or remove a review you can report the policy violation using the Report Review Compensation form:

include the name of the product and 1-4 photos or screenshots of the compensation offer.

The best way to reach our Communities team is to directly contact us. To contact us, follow the steps:

  1. Visit Customer Service:
  2. Select Help with something else (if this button is displayed).
  3. Select Something else.
  4. Select Amazon Community.
  5. Select the most appropriate option from the list of Amazon Community features.
amazon_tips.1725895394.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024.09.09 11:23 by Steve Isenberg