The "To Keep Up" Wiki

A collection of information we find useful

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This is a page for Bill to play with the Wiki.
This is a DokuWiki, available online for free and has many extensions. Have at it, Bill!

If you log into the wiki (I've emailed you credentials) you can edit this page, you'll see a pencil on the upper right then you'll see what all this looks like inside the wiki and you can edit it, you can do whatever you want to try on this page. If you need help, you can study the syntax (like in blue above).

Things to try

  1. Create a numbered list
  2. Maybe create two
  • Create a starred list
  • or two
do thistry that
create a tablemaybe just like this one
centered right justified

Big heading

little heading

billquinn.1587742910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 11:22 (external edit)