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Chat messages from George Burnell's 4/1/2020 presentation on 3-D Printing
11:09:16 From Robert Melanson : Can that machine make a crown? 11:09:53 From John Brown : Dr Puschak made a permanent crown for me using one of these machines while I waited in the dental chair recently. 11:10:52 From Jerry Slate : Peter, what is your crown made of? 11:14:39 From Steve Isenberg : Jerry, I don’t think Peter knows what the crown is made of. 11:20:01 From Richard : What size tolerances are achievable via 3D printing - particularly compared to other processes? 11:20:51 From Barbara Coughlin : +/- 0.05 mm 11:21:41 From Richard : So 50 nm? 11:23:19 From Barbara Coughlin : I don’t really know - it was just a quick google search 11:24:38 From Charles H Holbrow : .05 mm is 50 microns not 50 nm 11:25:02 From Jerry Slate : 0.05 mm = 50 micrometers = 50,000 nanometers 11:27:18 From judymike : It depends on what you're manufacturing. For a large part, you wouldn't need 50 micron tolerance. In the semiconductor device industry, tolerances in the nanometer range are typically required. 11:27:55 From Carl Lazarus : Does anyone know the status of a 3D printed steel pedestrian bridge that was supposed to be installed over a canal in Amsterdam? 11:28:10 From Mitchell I. Wolfe : Italian hospitals were running low on valves for ventilators and the supply was not available. A university scanned one of the valves of them and 3D printed 100 of them which were started to be deployed. The cost was around $1 a piece. The manufacturer sued for patent infringement since they charge ~10K$ a piece... 11:39:42 From Steve Isenberg : The wiki:
chat20200401.1585756384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 11:21 (external edit)