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Gmail Annoyances

Searching your gmail

Maybe your account is getting too close to filling and you want to search and delete messages smartly.
Note that if you delete them, they're not removed from your gmail space until you empty the trash. So the sequence of actions could be:

  1. Search for large emails, those from certain addresses, etc, and delete all of them.
  2. Empty trash.
gmail search
alphabetfind all mail with the word “alphabet” in it. Also finds those with “alphabets”.
from:georgefind all mail from this person
ORFrom:george OR from:martha
“exact phrase”
in:anywhereAnywhere in gmail
Msgs sent after midnight 4/16/2004 and before the start of 4/18/2004
newer_than:2d means, Messages sent within the last 2 days
d (day), m (month), y (year)
size:10MAll messages of at least 10MB in size
+unicornFinds words matching unicorn exactly – not different forms like “unicorns” or misspelled “unicron”


in:adverts older_than:10dall mail in the “adverts” folder older than 10 days size:5Mall mail from that address 5MB or larger in size
in:sent before:2020/09/15 after:2020/09/13 all mail that you sent in that time period, midnight on 9/13 to maybe a message on 9/16

Offload messages from gMail

Suggestions from a thread on/about 19may2021.


Depending on the size of the mailbox, you may be able to accomplish this all with just drag-n-drop, but there are some powerful apps for Mac OS that support this kind of task, for example:

FWIW, there are a lot of reasons one might want to do a bulk download/archive of an email account, the most basic being the security of having a local backup copy. Others may just want to escape Google. And for people with super large email accounts (> 2 million saved emails), it becomes increasingly important to shunt older email into secondary storage just to keep an email client from collapsing under the load.

Glenn P. Parker


I successfully downloaded 15GB of gmail (everything through the end of 2020) with these instructions:
It went smoothly, and I can download more as I go along, and it should stay all in order.

I also successfully tried out the mail client claws-mail, with which I can read and search my now-downloaded mbox files.
As far as I know you can also send mail using claws-mail, though that's not how I'm planning to use it.

I created an account with a different mail provider.
Once I get myself all the way off of gmail, I can send and receive mail on that account and stay under the tiny quota by routinely (weekly?) downloading received mail into mbox files on my own computer, reading/searching these archives with claws-mail.

J Tang

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gmail_annoyances.1621513371.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 14:29 (external edit)