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Lexington Computer and Technology Group Management

The Lexington Computer and Technology Group is run by volunteers who are passionate about the use and application of computers, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
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Leadership team by responsibility

PositionWhoContact info
Meeting CoordinationJohn Rudy
backup TBD
Mail notificationsJonathan Goode
backup TBD
MembershipCharles Sestokas
backup TBD
Ad Hoc LCTG WikiSteve
Meeting recording coordinationSteve Isenberg
backup LexMedia

Steering Committee

In alphabetical order by first name.

Results and ToDos

  • when have videos (and discussions) need to allow time after each for discussion. 30 min discussion on 60 min video, maybe; maybe 20 and 70.
  • Need group of 4 to discuss inner workings (Evie, Steve, PeterA, BobP)
    • calendar
    • who speaks when on what
    • who coordinates each meeting
  • JohnR's google doc. Look at the end, the TBD list, see what's interesting/not, which you can handle/coordinate. Currently 24 items on the list.
lctg_management_team.1564588693.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 14:19 (external edit)