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up to date as of 4/5/2020

Date Topic
Apr 8, 2020Christine Muir, Community Librarian at Cary Library, will demonstrate how to access all the online resources offered by the library. There is no fee for any of these resources, which include ebooks, digital audiobooks, movies, music, TV shows, newspapers, and more.
Apr 15, 2020to be determined (Do you have something you'd like to present to the group?)
Apr 22, 2020Potpourri Gary Patrick with information on Encryption and some Utilities.
Charly Sestokas with computer buying tips, etc; HD vs SSD; SD Longevity; MS Surface;
plus Potential House Fires from Phone, Tablet, Laptop, other Electronic Charging setups
Apr 29, 2020The Science behind Columbus (Bob Melanson, member)(Peter to confirm)
May 6, 2020The Manhattan Project first part (Charles Holbrow)
May 13, 2020Nuclear Power Generation (David Kahan) (confirmed)
May 20, 2020Boost-Phase Defense against ICBMs presented by Dan Kleppner.
Because little was known publicly about the Bush proposal, the American Physical Society initiated a study. Our presenter was co-chair
of the study group. Although the study is fifteen years old, little has changed.
(Charlie Holbrow to confirm)
May 27, 2020George Burnell Part II
Continuation/conclusion of George Burnell's earlier presentation on 3D printing
June 3, 2020Weldon Nelson has suggested the following: a 2000 year old computer. I watched this 46-minute presentation and found it fascinating link.
Presentations with other lengths show up on my Google search for “secrets of the lost Antikythera”. (Jonathan Goode)
June 10, 2020Potpourri NY Times article dealing with privacy (Peter)
Phone tracking of people (Charlie Holbrow)
June 17, 2020Sabermetrics (Jerry Slate) (need to confirm)
June 24, 2020MOOC Massive Online Courses – What's new
July 1, 2020AI and Job Loss (Yumio agreed to do this)(George Burnell and John Rudy to fup; may end as 1 or 2 sessions)
July 8, 2020Update on the Internet of Things in the Age of Coronavirus (Bob Primak)
July 15, 2020Potpourri
July 22, 2020Futurism Video of Amy Webb (a quantitative futurist, professor of strategic foresight at the NYU Stern School of Business and founder of the Future Today Institute) presenting the 2019 Emerging Tech Trends Report (60 minutes) at SXSW in March 2019; maybe more as well (Peter)
relevant links include and Ted Talk on hacking online dating (15 mins)
July 29, 2020(Peter to supply material)
August 5, 2020Advanced features of Excel and Word (Speaker ??)
August 12, 2020Ted Talks (John Rudy)
August 19, 2020(Peter to supply material)

“fup” = “Follow-up”


  • Automated Spreadsheets – Visicalc (John Rudy to fup)
lctg_speaker_schedule.1586315150.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 14:21 (external edit)