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The SNL Who's-Bringing-What Page

The very latest information on the Buffet and what will be there. (Or maybe close to latest.) (We do our best.)

August 18, 2019 - Doris and Manny's House

Whosa Bringin' Whata
Carol Levine Cheese & Crackers & Olives
Steve & Evie probably chicken salad
Ralph probably finger turkey sandwiches
Doris & Manny deviled eggs, sliced tomatoes, and desserts
David Kahan Fruit juices
Rachel Rand probably a green salad
Ron and Alice Lox
Linda (arriving late) (not sure)
Jessica TBD
Laurie & Gene Radwin Bagels
Myrna & Irma unknown; staying for short time as have another event after

Things we need
* Bread
* Main dish

If you're interested
after meeting meeting

Following the usual discussion, those interested can stay around and we will discuss ways to secure your Internet access. You can bring your laptop and we'll help you get started. Here are some Security Topics we can discuss, let me know if you have others to add!

snl.1566084975.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 11:19 (external edit)