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The SNL Who's-Bringing-What Page

The very latest information on the Buffet and what will be there. (Or maybe close to latest.) (We do our best.)

October 27, 2019 - Myrna's House

Myrna is at 6 Abernathy, Lexington MA. FYI, my (Steve Isenberg)'s phone# is 781-258-7741 if you need immediate assistance or to hear a good joke.

Whosa Bringin' Whata
David Kahan Various Fruit Juices.
Steve & Evie maybe a main course but definitely a dessert
Myrna & Irma not known yet
Susan Bishov Veggie salad; maybe dessert or bread(not fine artisanal)
Ralph Dessert
Linda (maybe) If she comes will bring bagels & cream cheese

Things we need

  • Main dishes
  • Salads
  • Fruit
  • Bread
FYI, from earlier posting
snl.1571071887.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 11:20 (external edit)