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This page last changed 2022.06.25 07:27 and viewed 5 times today, 7 times yesterday, and 3572 total times since it was created.

Upcoming Scheduled BNUG Meetings

This is not an official BNUG (Boston Network Users Group) page. It holds the meetings schedule in the Google calendar page below.

For the official BNUG information see; this calendar will be available on that site soon.

Joining Meetings

This is the current link to group Zoom meetings as published on
other connection information is with each meeting in the calendar.

Disclaimer: history has shown that the zoom link to join BNUG meetings may change without notice.
This following from
For Meeting Question/ Problems
Steven Provost 857-990-8549
Adam Frost 617-522-1049

BNUG Meetings Calendar

For corrections or additions to this calendar, send an email to with the information.
This is the code used to embed the calendar:

Add this calendar to your own space

To add it to your own Google calendar

It should be obvious, but you need to have your own Google calendar to add this one to. We encourage this! Try these:

To embed this calendar on your page

Use this code to embed this calendar in your very own web page!
You can customize the code if you'd like: change the 800 for width and/or the 600 for height, for example.
<iframe src=“” style=“border: 0” width=“800” height=“600” frameborder=“0” scrolling=“no”></iframe>

upcoming_bnug_meetings.1656167253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022.06.25 10:27 by Steve Isenberg