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This page last changed 2023.08.16 17:02 visits: 1 time today, 0 time yesterday, and 853 total times
Vital Tools Connect is a support group provided by Computer Care and Learning, a nonprofit charitable organization.
CCAL has an internship program; some information about it is being prepared here
2023 08-16 clinic class notes
The Marcia Mac Sound Problem:
The problem: when doing Zoom or Google Meet, Marcia’s sound has been turning off.
- First remedy: Go to speaker icon in upper right mac menu. This control the internal speaker. It may be gray with a line through it. Click on it, and move the volume slider to the right. Make sure internal speaker is lit up in blue.
- If this does not work, we need to find another source of this problem.
- If it works, we still have a mystery: why is the volume going down?
- If Marcia has sound problems this week, she will write down carefully what the problem is. Please be clear about the difference between the microphone volume (people hearing you) and the speaker volume (you hearing us).
vital_tools_connect.1692230536.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023.08.16 20:02 by Steve Isenberg