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Cubby Oil Offering Details

This info from Dana Lacopucci of Cubby Oil on Jun 7, 2022 5:09pm

You would receive a 2-year free service policy with 2 free turn-ups 1 per year and a 15 percent discount off on all parts and labor with a $200.00 new oil tank credit if the tank had to be replaced in that 2-year time frame and 24-hour emergency service with all our own in-house service staff.

You would also receive 2 years of oil discounts off the market rate so in year 1 you would have a 32 cent per gallon discount and if you were getting oil from us today your price would be $5.57 per gallon and in year 2 you would have a 22 cent per gallon discount. This is all with automatic delivery only.

We also offer a cap price protection plan that will cap the rate at $5.29 a gallon and if the price goes up you would not pay more than $5.29 a gallon and your 32-cent discount still works with this plan. The 1-time fee of #395.00 that can be paid in 2 payments this buys you the insurance to always makes sure you get the lowest price if the price drops below the cap rate.

We are the only oil company in the area delivering up to a B50 super plus Bioheat heating oil at no extra charge that is ultra-clean and more efficient for your heating system than the number 2 heating oil alone and this product is more environmentally friendly than natural gas and is a blend of ultra-low sulfur heating oil with renewable biodiesel made from organic and recycled products.

We also offer a 10-month smart budget plan that would spread the heating bills out evenly within that 10-month time frame.

We do tune-ups for air conditioning systems and ductless splits and repairs and new installations on both as well. The cost of the tune-ups is for the regular air conditioning systems it would be $195.00 and any additional units $95.00 each. The ductless split would be $149.00, and each additional head would be $69.00, and we only do air conditioning tun-ups for the customer that buys oil from us.

Please check out our website below for more information on our cap price protection plan ,The 10-month smart budget plan and The Bioheat B50 super plus heating oil. Check out all our over 1,000 5-star reviews by clicking on the review buzz widget. We also have all high A ratings on Angie’s List.

Here is my cell number 617-921-8531 if you have any questions or if you wanted to move forward with us.

Thank you


cubby_offering_details.1655393324.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022.06.16 08:28 by Steve Isenberg