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Shipping Stuff
A growing collection of hints and information to use when shipping things from one place to another. Including both domestic and international shipping.
This from Tushar relating to shipping internationally (9/20/2023).
- Create a simple, non-business personal, account for yourself on USPS, UPS, Fedex, and DHL.
- Determine the size and weight of the package you want to send. Have on hand the destination address.
- Visit each site and price shipping to the destination.
- Pricing varies a lot
- Also consider time to destination. USPS Priority Mail is ~3 days, other services may be cheaper and take 10 days to get there.
- DHL may be cheapest for international
- A bonus for creating your personal accounts is that you get notifications when someone ships something to you
A domestic pricing example, October 2023:
Shipping a 7 pound 12x12x12 inch box from Boston to San Francisco: is cheapest on USPS (around $25) and UPS (around $30). Fedex is $44. I found DHL's cheapest rate to be $181.
shipping_stuff.txt · Last modified: 2023.10.21 11:35 by Steve Isenberg