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WWII Project Materials

Candidate program intros

Interview Questions for WWII Veterans

A straw-horse list initiated by steve

  • Name
  • When were you born
  • How old were you when you joined the service
  • Branch
  • Rank
  • Unit
  • Where did you serve during WWII
  • Were you awarded any medals
  • What training did you receive
  • Tell us about something that stands out in your mind about your service
    • Battles
    • Heroism
    • Challenges
  • Were you wounded
    • how did it happen
    • how were you saved/treated
    • did you return to service
  • How did you learn of the end of the war?
  • When did you move to Lexington
  • What did you do after the war
  • Did you do any community service after you returned
wwii_project.1593365939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 14:22 (external edit)