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If you want to make changes to this page then please let me know. I need this information and do not want people just deleting parts of it. Thank you, Steve Isenberg

WWII Project Materials

Official WWII Lexington MA website Produced and maintained by Harry Forsdick and Marsha Baker

Published programs

Other stuff

Tuulikki Loring

Finland; homefront POV

Mary Rowses

Mary (Sr) is Arthur’s (Ted) Rowse sister and lives in Townsend MA. She is 98. Ted’s daughter is probably in her late 70’s and lives in the DC area. She is the one I have been corresponding with and I suggest you call her 202.362.9279. Email Mary Rowse

I mentioned you to her so she is expecting a call. In the meantime she was going to talk to her aunt Mary about an interview. She lived in Lexington from 1923 through the 1960 so she can talk about the home front, loss of her brother (Robert Rowse – one of the Fallen), her brother Ted and more.

Interview Questions for WWII Veterans

A straw-horse list initiated by steve

  • Name
  • When were you born
  • How old were you when you joined the service
  • Branch
  • Rank
  • Unit
  • Where did you serve during WWII
  • Were you awarded any medals
  • What training did you receive
  • Tell us about something that stands out in your mind about your service
    • Battles
    • Heroism
    • Challenges
  • Were you wounded
    • how did it happen
    • how were you saved/treated
    • did you return to service
  • How did you learn of the end of the war?
  • When did you move to Lexington
  • What did you do after the war
  • Did you do any community service after you returned


To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII, 
a committee was formed to honor those that served.

Lexington Remembers is a program started by a high school teacher 
and long time Lexington resident Mary Gillespie in 1993 
(on the 50th Anniversary of WWII) and it has been
continued by Francine and Bob Edwards since 2006.

We are now adding to the existing list of 50+ recordings 
in the Lexington Remembers collection and identifying 
prospective Lexingtonians to be interviewed and recorded. 

Our initial focus is to identify and interview
surviving Lexington’s WWII veterans. 
Some lived here and went into service, while others moved to
Lexington after the war.

These videos are their stories.

youtube words

Ted Buttrick talks about his experiences during WWII with Ashley Rooney, on May 3, 2020. This is part of a program series to honor and remember those Lexington MA residents who served in World War II. Produced by Steve Isenberg of True Images Productions.

Dan Fenn, Wilda Ward, and Sam Berman discuss their involvement with World War II on the 75th anniversary of VE Day May 8, 1945. This is a Zoom meeting recorded on May 8, 2020, George Gamota is your host. Ivor Morgan and George Burnell contributed to the discussion. This is part of a program series to honor and recognize those Lexington MA residents who served in World War II. Produced by Steve Isenberg of True Images Productions.

Dan Fenn, Wilda Ward, and Sam Berman discuss their involvement with World War II on the 75th anniversary of VE Day May 8, 1945. This is a Zoom meeting recorded on May 8, 2020, George Gamota is your host. Ivor Morgan and George Burnell contributed to the discussion. This is part of a program series to honor and recognize those Lexington MA residents who served in World War II. WWII Committee Chairperson George Gamota. Produced by Steve Isenberg of True Images Productions, Copyright © 2020 by True Images Productions.

Tuulikki Loring talks about growing up in a WWII Finland and moving to Lexington MA, with Ashley Rooney. This Zoom meeting was recorded on June 28, 2020. This is part of a program series to recognize those Lexington MA residents with an involvement in World War II. WWII Committee Chairperson George Gamota. Produced by Steve Isenberg of True Images Productions; Copyright © 2020 by True Images Productions.


wwii_project.1593868766.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021.12.22 14:23 (external edit)