The "To Keep Up" Wiki

A collection of information we find useful

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Hello! And welcome to SteveI's wiki. If you have any suggestions for additions or changes, please let me know so I can improve this site. I won't take offense no matter how mundane. Or drop me a note to say hello and tell me what if anything here was helpful.
Thanks in advance! click to send me a message

This page last changed 2022.07.21 12:48

Recent additions



See also FOOD! I'm Hungry! above


See also, Annoyances (above)




Nature. Calming. What better thing to do than watch birds and animals do their thing. OK, maybe earn some money…

Being Cleverish




Getting Things Done





Button Battery Cross References
Watch battery (SR, L, AG)
Coin cell (CR)
Power cable capacities
Cable Size Chart
For example:
AWG 16 cable can handle 5 amps for 50 feet, or 10 amps max 20 feet.
AWG 12 cable can handle 5 amps for 100 feet, or 20 amps for 30 feet.

Movies and TV programs to see

As a reminder to me, and maybe of interest to others, here are some movies and TV shows that I've heard are worth watching.
See also: Netflix of Interest for TV shows & movies available

Alfred HitchcockPerry Mason
“Flight” w/Denzel Washington“Finding Vivian Maier”
“Lilly Hammer”Columbo

Some of these can be found online in some TV services. See TV alternatives available online and also the video of a talk I gave on this topic in January, 2020, more info on the LCTG page.

places on the internet to see and download old movies


Does rotation of the earth affect flight time?
Bottom line, the rotation of the Earth does not have a direct effect on flight time, only the wind does. Rotation of earth and relative water temperature affects the winds however.

My brother was involved in a polar bear attack in Canada in 2014 and as a physician helped to save the injured. The e-book [describing the experience] is up. There are a few ways to see it. Here's the opening of the book, which we're running on our site now: There are links at the top and the bottom of the excerpt to go read the entire book.
Or you can bypass the excerpt and go to this page to read the entire book: From this page, on the right you'll see a few ways to read it. In our iPad app, called ICN Books, which is the best-looking way to read it; in Kindle; or “in browser” (meaning on your computer).

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This page has been visited 267 times yesterday, 172 times today, and 132693 times in total since April 25, 2019.

start.1658432913.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022.07.21 15:48 by Steve Isenberg